*paw bump*
*paw bump*
I'm a lady, but I cannot stand her giant veneers. It can make an otherwise beautiful face like Sofia's very generic. I wish everyone would stop getting these hideous Chiclets shoved up into their gums. Also, there is a tipping point with Botox/fillers.
I'm a coat whore and I feel compelled to say that Lady Gaga's coats are 1) not always coats 2) pretty fug if 3) not downright hideous and 4) really poorly tailored.
This is a hilariously misguided observation considering what I look like, my race, and the people I have in my life. LSA is fun for conspiracy theories once in a while but I don't have time for 400-page threads. You keep telling yourself stories, though.
I agree that Nicki should have just not said anything about it, not seemed bothered about it at all, but it's so not her to be stoic like that. She loves starting shit, ha ha. And the hype around Azalea is annoying; that would set anyone of Minaj's stature in the industry off. Azalea is indeed a pop artist and I guess…
Yes, I find it arrogant and unlikable because Iggy doesn't even realize how arrogant it sounds. She probably thinks she's saying something complimentary (she doesn't strike me as particularly well spoken). Throwing shade on national television is at least straightforward. And I really don't think it was a "solar…
Isn't it also a little shady to say "Usually the [best female rapper] award is overlooked" when Nicki has won it 5 years running? Like people only care about it this year because people are talking about it in relation to Azalea? She is just so fucking arrogant and unlikable.
Exactly. Most of the worst stories we've heard are from what we'd maybe call "alternative" or artist's models. Richardson knows exactly what he is doing. I don't give a fuck if you have no shot at Ford or Elite; you deserve to be treated with respect. And "perv" photographers are respectful all the time. Like Helmut…
just as long as no one links to that goddamn Jolene video for the jabillionth time, Jesus take the wheel
Unpopular opinion probably, but this is just rich girl nonsense to me. Money can keep you isolated from a lot (not all, so don't crucify me) of terrible shit (like Miley doesn't *need* to pose for Richardson to send money back home to her family in Eastern Europe). Miley has been swaddled in the safety of…
Because you douchily dismissed my earlier comment, I decided to give your scholar girl here a chance. I got to 1:30.
I'm not playing a game. Next time don't spread lies, or talk out of your ass.
Your link is meaningless. I am well aware of the term "wilding." That it is exists and was used is not in dispute. What I am doubting is that it had anything to do with Tone Loc. This "fact" was NOT "widely reported" by any of those news outlets at the time, and I would know because unlike you, I lived in the NYC area…
This "the term 'wilding' came from Tone Loc's 'Wild Thing'!" idea is the most baffling (and frankly stupid) thing I've heard about this case in the past 24 hours, and I've read the Gawker thread. People are just making shit up.
taken from the Tone Loc song "Wild Thing"
It's the saddest day of the year for me. I don't even know why I look at threads like this. I can't even start to imagine what having a loving father is like.
I used to love BUST and I even subscribed, but then I sort of let it lapse. I picked it up recently again when Hayley Williams was on the cover and I was getting on an airplane (love me some Hayley) and I found it horrible. Like, angry-making levels of bad. It was just nonstop crafty, cupcake, knitting circle, hipster…
No, I admit I have not read Gloomer regularly in like 15 years. So I stand corrected if they've become Cosmo-lite. I should keep up with my rags better. ;)
This is tiresome. Go ahead and show me the photos where Deborah Harry showed up nude to major events. Where she made nudity central to her performances. Where she was barely dressed on regular public occasions.
OK then. Just curious, do you think anyone is a good example of this argument?