
Deborah did not have "handlers" (source: Please Kill Me). It doesn't seem like you know anything about Blondie. Maybe you are very young and don't get what a big deal Debbie and Blondie were, she's not just a gorgeous figurehead for some band you know remotely.

Bieber needs to be tossed in a lake, not dunked in a bathtub, and no matter what he's still a horrible little twat.

People say "Playboy bunny" sort of indiscriminately to mean everything form worked at the club to was a centerfold. I just like to be accurate, is all.

She's pretentious and clueless, but she has a good side. Like when she tried to help Tricia with her appeal, or when she painted Miss Claudette's nails. She's self-absorbed, but not a monster. I like her.

Yes! Less Polly. The actress who portrays Polly does a bang-up job with an insufferable character but lawd amighty I do not care about Polly, her stupid baby, her unrelenting sarcasm or her fucking artisanal soaps.

He CAN'T afford it. Do you know what happened to MC Hammer? He had the world at his feet like Bieber, making money hand over fist, and he was foolish about it and lost it all and wound up working for the phone company. That is just one example. I am not "obsessing." I am laughing at Bieber and Co. for being an

Dude, lay off the pipe. Reports have this idiot wasting 1M a month

Are you actually, dementedly telling me I am jealous of Justice Beaver?

But we don't. And lots of people have serious talents that go mostly unrecognized and certainly not financially rewarded. Which is why when you hit the jackpot like Bieber, whether it's deserved or not, you try to be humble and fiscally responsible and most of all not a racist, vandalizing,

Bieber is just tragically stupid. Dumbass parents, no real education, marginal talent, no fiscal sense … I look forward to decades of articles about Bieber's "downward spiral" and bankruptcy. And then I feel bad for wishing such things on a young person … and then I remember all the shitty things this little turd has

He knows what to say and how to say it, that is for sure. I don't like him and I think he's a pretty fucked-up guy, but he said he's sorry several times and all I can do is accept him at his word.

Bieber will not end well. His career is tanking, every day it's some new awful bullshit this little pissant has said or done, and he's not even sympathetic in a tragic-child-star way because he's such a little shit. Add to that him and his deadbeat father spending his money hand over fist and we're going to see an

I love baking and I've seen Blake baking and girlfriend is good at it (and it is a real skill!). I'd at least check out her blog or book or whatever. Bridget was always my favorite Sister of the Traveling Pants!

"You know what's more lucrative than being an actress in Hollywood? Being an actress with a lifestyle company."

You know, I don't "keep up" with the Kardashians (har har), so I was a bit shocked at Rob's weight gain, having remembered him from a while back as a trim, buff guy. And TMZ said he was crying on the way home … and everyone on Khloe's instagram photos are gorgeous (although very overprocessed and same-y) people … and

It could be, but I think the intent is unclear (so did a lot of people, too, it seems). This is why I tend to dislike sarcasm on the Internet (and honestly, just in general, it's so overused and often pointlessly), its tone is often easy to misunderstand. There's really no reason why the article above could not have

Um, I don't know any of those guys, so could you be more specific? ;) I thought she was an intern there. I get what you're driving at, but does sleeping around in your early 20s really make you a prostitute? She's a very pretty lady so it wouldn't surprise me that she might hook up with someone famous or rich or both.

Huh. Well then some might say that Zac Posen and Tory Burch and DVF and half the industry with rich spouses/parents are prostitutes too. I like her clothes.

Wait, what? How is Rachel Roy a prostitute or a grifter?

I love to think that ALT being there is a slap in the face to Anna Wintour since she cut him from Vogue and named the Costume Institute after herself and not DV. And she doesn't like Kim and was probably forced to put her on that Vogue cover.