Mercedes current lineup us so boring and bubbly. That does not look like a car with 600hp. That looks like a car your dental hygenist stepmother bought with her settlement money after being sexually harassed by her dentist boss.
Mercedes current lineup us so boring and bubbly. That does not look like a car with 600hp. That looks like a car your dental hygenist stepmother bought with her settlement money after being sexually harassed by her dentist boss.
These things still exist?
Go home you’re drunk
Dude its like the same picture
Hey drug dealers, THESE are the cars you want! Stop buying Chrysler 300s!
Get this shit outta here
Their mistake was not using a Hyundai. What could that sissy little jeep do.
Are you sure that’s not just a 2006 TL with new headlights?
Is the front windscreen tinted?? That cant be safe
Ill give you +1 for the Red Green show reference.
I guess my brochure mustve got lost in the mail...
Fact: engines do not get better as they age. Seals wear out. Compression goes down. Etc
That guy should lose his trucking licence.
I wouldn’t pay a dime over $800 for this piece of junk.
Why put time and money into a car you’re selling?
Let me fix this for you.
Do you think that guy can remember all those rules?
Wayyyy too many rules.