The idea that it's okay to hit a small, defenseless human as long as you don't leave a mark on the outermost layer of their skin is the dumbest distinction in the whole motherfucking world.
The idea that it's okay to hit a small, defenseless human as long as you don't leave a mark on the outermost layer of their skin is the dumbest distinction in the whole motherfucking world.
Physical abuse under the false name of "discipline" is the same as hazing. Many of those who were sujected to it want to inflict it on the powerless below them. They want to take revenge or take out their frustrations. But they don't take it out on the people who hurt them, they take it out on the powerless who…
One of the details that is really annoying me the most about this fucking horrible national Adrian Peterson conversation right now is this term "whooping." (Or "whupping" or however you want to spell it.) This is a euphemism that sounds like more of a friendly and familiar word than what this abuse really is, right?…
"Thumping" is fine. Builds character and establishes boundaries for a small human.
The reason "getting into a fight" is a consequence in life is because assholes like you raise your children to think that hitting is an appropriate response to conflict. Do you not understand that you are reinforcing violent behavior when you hit your kids? It also ignores the hundreds studies by psychologist and…
Yeah, exactly. I've mentioned a few times in the last couple days my dad used to use his belt as a discipline tool, but what I haven't mentioned yet is a talk we had that I still remember very vividly when I was like 6 or something.
Cool, so if you or your wife fuck up are you also OK with catching a beating? Or does your violence policy only extend to people too small to fight back?
You and your wife are shitty parents. If you're not capable of disciplining a child without hitting them you are a failure as a parent. Full Stop. There is never a reason to hit a kid. The only thing you teach them is that adults apparently solve problems through violence.
Well put. You can love your parents and still have legitimate issues with the choices they made to raise you. Parental infallibility is not a thing. It's also possible that people turned out fine in spite of, not because of, beatings. I don't know whether your mother just got lucky that you turned out to be such a…
Thanks, I never thought of myself as a victim nor have I used that as an excuse for my personal failures. What it did do was make me try to understand why people are like that and how to help. I never held any resentment to my mother. She was a single woman raising 4 kids in 1975, she had her reasons, but her reasons…
Yeah, the issue isn't that he hit him with a switch, it's that he caused enough lacerations on 4-year-old legs and groin (and the pics of said cuts were a week old and healing by that point, so the fresh cuts looked worse in all estimation) that a doctor deemed the injuries fit enough to be considered child abuse.
Go check out the other article on here.
Its not that simple, he left scarring marks that rap around his legs, he admits to hitting his scrotum on accident. Know the details before you stand up for him.
Read the reports. Its on ray rice michael vick level. And remember it is a 4 yearl old boy he did this to.
Have you seen the pictures of what he did? That's not spanking, that's just beating your child
Would Peterson appeal his suspension if it's too short? He obviously doesn't believe in a mere slap on the wrist.
I would anticipate a 1-game suspension because a child is about half the size of a woman.
He's a piece of shit. I want him off my roster. The end.
It's not a lifetime ban, it's an indefinite suspension AKA what they did to Michael Vick when the dog fighting ring news came out. I fully expect Ray to be reinstated 1-2 years in the future.
To be fair, Ray Rice doesn't deserve what's happened to him.