Cat VonAwesome

Or if he spends five minutes trying to climb a building only to repeatedly run into the wall over and over again.

Ugh Assassins Creed barely even needs the modern day stuff. What makes it compelling is the ongoing battle throughout two secret societies over the ages and this secret alternate history that exists. The modern day stuff helps frame that but is hardly necessary to enjoy the core of the franchise, which is stabbing

I was hoping for a movie where he runs around and:

I will forgive the AC movie if at some point Michael Fassbender is told he has to go climb a bunch of towers so he knows how to get around the city better. Just him doing an exasperated sigh, and then a five minute montage of climb, eagle, leap into a bale of hay, repeat.

Pot-lucks, anyone? We do it all the time, with the simple rule: bring something that you would like to eat yourself. Then, if there’s nothing you like, it’s your own damned fault...

Man, I am still blown away by how much I love this movie. Thank you, George Miller, you awesome Grandpa. (also, thank you Hugh Keays-Byrne for being an amazing villain in two Mad Max movies)

Some say opinions can never be wrong. They are wrong. This is wrong. Skins are the best.

I was half-expecting the toy makers to exclude Jyn Erso from the set.

This gif alone is all that needs to be said about Hufflepuff. It purely encapsulates the entirety of what it is to be Hufflepuff.

I’m pretty sure Hufflepuffs read comic books and sneak in laptops to play World of Warcraft in their downtime. In other words, they’re my people. Badgers are cool. Leading a quiet and uneventful life sounds chill.

Excuse me, Hufflepuff is near the kitchens.

Pancakes freeze pretty well. So, you can also make a big batch and then just pop then in the toaster later on.

Look, we can’t have any firing in there. I, uh... I want you to collect magazines from everybody.”

Your tree is part of the rebel alliance and a spy!

This Christmas Tree is on a diplomatic mission from Aalderan.

Of course! I mean, I just have to show off the power of my fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL Christmas tree.

Well, if they got the DC Metro right, 1/3rd of the film would be people going up and down escalators. Especially if any of it took place in DuPont Circle

I have a better suggestion— instead of pretending to be civilized when you’re in public places,which is bound to make you nervous as fuck, actually be civilized and practice good table manners every day, or at least regularly, so that you don’t have to fake it.