Cat VonAwesome

I felt it was less a push of "white knight" and more about changing the culture, especially the high school/college age culture of men to not stop each other when they even just make misogynist jokes around each other. They're specifically targeting college campuses which means targeting men who maybe aren't

It really depends on what kind/sect of Christianity you're in. I was raised in the Episcopal church and actually lived on seminary while my mom was going through theology school and ordination. (I am atheist though.) A majority of the people I encountered there believed that evidence points to Mary Magdalene being the

This is part of a lawsuit challenging the ban in Louisiana right now. That the state is basically forcing legally married couples to commit tax fraud because they can't file the same way they did federally.

I finally got to the quit point where I get really, really nauseated if I'm around smoke. Pretty much almost no bar going for me in this city now. But, that's alright. I'm saving tons of cash by drinking box wine from the fancy new Costco at home. ;)

I hang with nerds. Though I did used to hang with scummy nerds in dive bars. But, I stopped smoking and couldn't take The Abbey anymore.

Sometimes I just refer to it as a "Douche Parade" (always in groups! with their stupid checkered shorts and no socks with boat shoes!) But, Krewe of Chad has really been sticking lately.

It sort of started around Mardi Gras when a pic was posted of an area someone had blocked off for parade viewing and spray painted the grass "Krewe of Chad." And then a hilarious map of krewe of chad spreading through the city which I can't find now! Grrrr.

"The Southern Frat Bro" In New Orleans, some of us often refer to these guys as "Krewe of Chad." They generally go out parading in groups.

Raichu is in Jackson Square, French Quarter, New Orleans.

I would say yes. Say, you and some friends wanted to march in the parade as "Irish-Americans Vegetarians." You would be able to do that. But if you wanted to march as "Irish-Americans LGBT United" you would not be able to.

Does it make much noise? My rescues are a bit skiddish and one is super picky about his bathroom situation.

Definitely depends on the type of person. I'm a homebody but its hard enough to get me to vacuum or clean out the junk drawer let alone maintain a whole home. I just do not want to do it.

Not at all. I don't travel a ton, I'm sort of a homebody, but I have ZERO desire to maintain a home. I don't want to do any landscaping or mowing or planting or painting or remodeling or fixing or anything.

Right now I'm using Garnier Fructis Style Curl Calm down anti-frizz cream. The bottle is getting low so I might see if there's anything new out there and experiment a bit.

I'm 37 and I don't want to dress like a teenager. I want to dress like me. And me wears Star Wars shirts with black minis and green docs.

I also only wash my hair once or twice a week. I just put my hair in a bun on the top of my head when I shower (which is every night before bed.)

Shower generally once a day, at night, after the gym.

I've been dating this guy for about two months. When he came over to hang out for the first time he saw the cats and said "Hi kitties!" and immediately sat down on the floor to play with them and I thought "THIS IS IT."

Advice for men: When a woman doesn't use your suggestion, don't take it personally or get upset or decide it means she doesn't care about you. Also, please do not just implement your solution (ie purchasing something and presenting it).

you kids should all get over yourselves and stop demanding instant replies. It will help everyone a lot