Ahhh yes...I know that feel well (and the comic!). My brain likes to do that but adds in "Someone's coming to crazy murder you!" And then I'm just up for the night.
Ahhh yes...I know that feel well (and the comic!). My brain likes to do that but adds in "Someone's coming to crazy murder you!" And then I'm just up for the night.
Same here. I have GAD & PTSD. I can be having a fine, normal functioning day and something as simple as an odd noise from the neighbor will set me off for the rest of the night.
"if you've been suffering from anxiety for so long that it's just part of your personal norm, you may not even recognize that it's an issue"
As Henry said, you don't have to just sit still and meditate. I have a couple of go to video games that basically take my brain out of thinky anxiety thoughts and puts it into repetition thinking. One is called Chime and is like tetris but plays electronic/trance music which is effected by game play. This is better…
I'm a straight woman and I hate wearing dresses and that did factor into my decision making on going to school events. I was in high school in the 90's and I did not attend my prom. I wasn't secure enough to just say "fuck it" yet and show up in pants.
I have seen the Acrocats twice now and am planning to go in December as well. It is amazing and worth it. Always.
There are rule list signs at my gym that say "No grunting. If you're grunting there's something wrong with your breathing." and "no weight dropping." It is wonderfully quiet in there.
I love the small, inexpensive gym I belong to. It might be the most diverse place that I spend real time at in terms of race, gender, and body type. There are doods on the ellipticals and stairmasters. Women using weights. (And this one woman who is amazing and does these one handed pull ups that make me want to cry…
They're not happy in the work force, for the most part.
I have walked to work for 7 years now. It is awesome. I shower before bed and don't have to get up until about an hour before I need to be at work.
I play these games too. I love em.
I read so many iterations of Nancy when I was a kid. I had my mom's books that had been passed down to her, published in the 40's and 50's. My older sisters books from the 70's and then in the 80's she got yet another set published. I read them so much that my teachers noted on a report card to my parents that maybe I…
Indeed, it's hard sometimes to keep in mind that tv shows were invented to give us something to watch between commercials not the other way around.
Ohhhhh that's a mouse! I just thought he had dumb hair and I was hating all the more.
A part of me wants to laugh at all this and then a part of me remembers making my mom get on the Magic Train to Foxboro stadium for the New Kids on the Block Coca-cola sponsored Magic Summer tour (it was magic!) and also that one time I snuck into one of their video shoots in downtown Boston and got grounded for a few…
That is actually what my psychiatrist recommended to me for my anxiety disorder related insomnia a few years ago. Well, the Benadryl, not so much the wine. He said to get the cheapest, knock off brand I could find that way I didn't have to spend a prescription or worry about it.
My mom didn't allow sugar cereals so we were on Cheerios, Bran Chex and Grapenuts.
I am still anti-spoiler. I love watching a story unfold while I am completely in the dark about what is coming. Can I enjoy things while already knowing the end? Sure. I love the Game of Thrones tv show even though I read the books. But, that doesn't mean the books would have been the same if I'd known everything…
I've done it with and without earlybird and found the extra $12.50 to be worth it for ease on certain types of trips. For the 3 flights I've used it on, I was on vacation and absolutely not somewhere I could get to a computer at the exact 24 hours before check in time. And cell service was spotty. Knowing it was…
On Southwest it only costs twelve dollars and fifty cents to help push yourself up to the A group! Suck it B group! I'm in the 3rd row! And C group? Whew. You might as well just jump in front of the plane while it's taxiing. Yeah, fancy business people talking business things. I'm standing right behind you in the A…