Cat VonAwesome

Indeed, and I'll add I found Perfect Sense to be the most terrifying of them all. Not right away, but the real fates of everyone, basically starving to death most likely, really shook up my mindgrapes.

I was doing this until I got this $10 lap desk thing from walmart. But, I'm mostly in bed when I'm computing. The desktop comp is hooked up to the big tv. My bed is also my "couch" or vice versa. But I still think my living room is bigger than that apartment. I'm just a minimalist.

I could probably do the queen if I cut out the couch to make some work out room. And for kitchen, I already have a super small kitchen. It's doable. I have an under the counter fridge (for just one person you don't need a giant fridge) and a small stove/oven. I'd be willing to sacrifice the oven because I don't bake

My family had a small one. My grandfather was born in 1896. He had to lie about his age to sign up to serve in World War I! (My grandparents adopted my mom and both uncles when they were in their 50's. He lived to be 90.)

I think it's been alluded to on a few occasiions that the Winchesters are well known as the best hunters. To the point where random hunters came after them and shot them for their involvement in the oncoming apocalypse. Plus, the higher up monsters definitely know who they are. Like how the vamps all knew to be scared

As a lady, I was ready to punch both of those guys in the face and choose myself and the first train outta town. Uggh.

My thoughts exactly, the original story is f'd up and scary as it is.

hahah! Well maybe it got lost in the mail :P

Someone had to say it, it was only a matter of who got here first. ;)

Well, hey now, NO BODY expects the Spanish Inquisition.

I'd like to amend my main comment reply to include of all this too.

I loved this episode. Was it perfect? No. But the gore to humor ratio was awesome. And Dean Winchester, master of swallowing it and not talking, sat down and had an adult, insightful conversation with Cas about what was going on with him. And I think the gimmick worked in this season that is focusing on Perception vs

I would love Gina Torres as Wonder Woman, but she is committed on another show right now so we'll probably all need to let that go.

Clearly they found evidence of life that was so shattering to our current belief system that the shadow government running the world is not going to allow them to release it. CLEARLY.

Everything about that movie is comedy gold and then speech comes and it's the greatest Presidential speech in the history of American film.

1973 Winnebago

For real! I spent most of high school explaining to gym teachers that I wasn't trying to skip the sit-ups but they never cared why. For whatever reason, no adults believed me so I don't think I ever bothered talking to a doctor about it until I was an adult myself.

I didn't even know that's exactly what I'd done until years later when I had a doc check out the crooked tailbone a boyfriend had noticed. Nice, right? (We were a no blood no doctor type of family.) I remember sitting through Ghostbusters II in total agony and unable to move an inch in my seat.

Duh, if someone doesn't have the money they can just ask their parents for it. You know, like you do for going to college or starting a business.