Cat VonAwesome

You're welcome! :P

Why isn't this picture happening in my house every day?!

I love PBS and Discovery specials on big cats. They're fascinating creatures. (Not that most creatures aren't fascinating). But their evolution into big, furry killing machines and all their wonderful special killing features are just amazing. Full disclosure: I am a crazy cat lady.

Return to Oz is beloved! And scared the pants off me. I still shudder at the thought of wheelers.

You mean the people who keep buying tickets to his crap? Stop encouraging him America! And the globe!

I was really trying to concentrate on this article but then there were so many Spartacus pics. Jebus bless that show for everything it gives us.

Visually, I'm excited for this. Plot wise....ehhhhhh....apparently even 118 year old chicks with vampire powers still need to be protected from the outside world by their daddies. Thanks movies..?

What? You've never been muppet hunting?

Right? I JUST got up. Give me a few minutes before you come at me. Jeez.

People who write TMNT fanfic? You know it must exist.


There are some older anime versions (early 80's...late 70's?) that do go by the original story, suicide and all. That's the version I grew up on. I was already in my teens by the time disney handled it.

Maleficent taught us all a very good lesson in party invitation manners. You can't invite everyone BUT one person. That's just super rude. Good on her for calling them all on it. ;)


Yeah, it's weird that they were all called "booths" when really they were just phone stands. Booths were mostly found in train stations.

Streetcars were done here. This one is an oyster poboy.

I got super drunk at the Rome con (jet lag plus booze is not a smart combination) and I'm pretty sure, but memory is hazy, that I embarrassed myself in front of an angel and a prophet. But whatevs! :P That prophet was drinkin too.

Awesome! I'm jealous! :P I'm not doing any cons this year since I did Jus in Bello and SDCC last year. Whew $$$$. I think next year I'll just be doing SDCC.

Seriously. This needed to be done Ken Burns documentary style.

I kinda really want them to just scrap this and put it in a vault somewhere. They're not going to make their money back anyway because it sounds like a pile of suck. Don't release it and let someone else try again in a few years.