Cat VonAwesome

You should come meet my Tom Sawyer. He has very low self-esteem and needs validation constantly. (I think its partly because he's a bit portly while the other, Malcolm Reynolds, is quite lean. Jealously.)

Hence the term "curiosity killed the cat." They just can't help themselves. Hubris maybe?

Is there anything more awesome than catching a cat being ungraceful? I love that they try to play it off with an "I meant to do that" look.

I've been a crazy cat lady for many years and had many cats. But I refuse to do the Dogs vs Cats stuff. They're both awesome in their own right.


When I lived in NYC, we were on the 10th floor, one night while watching tv I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and noticed my cat was OUTSIDE the window on the tiny ledge. How he managed to get out there I will never know. I could barely fit my arms through to reach him. He was pretty scared when I got

Yup, that's how it works. I had a 7 pound cat that took up 3/4ths a queen sized bed.

It both terrifies and fascinates me when I see my cats are trying to work out a puzzle in their little brains. Unnervingly clever, they are. Especially when it comes to doors and latches. *shudder*

YES. Gifs of him talking about gifs of him! The universe folding in on itself a hundred times (or can it only do 7 times?)

That look is all the rage with the youngs though, isn't it? I see girls everywhere in miniskirts and Uggs and no tights. If its cold enough for Uggs aren't your thighs cold?

Oh they look so comfortable! The only one I would disagree on would be Catwoman, because a baggy sweater would be detrimental to the nature of her work. But perhaps a close-fitting fleece?

But she would bring all her DRAMA.

hahah I found a gif and I was going to try to edit it with HELLO but then....lazy.

It'd probably be pretty easy to explain that away to job and neighbors. He'd already run off once, just say he did it again and you're divorced. Or, she probably moved herself and said they were all going.

I'm going to rewatch in a few days so that I've been removed from it for a bit. But, I feel as confused as you about it. I love Dean and Cas conversations. Especially the way Ackles and Collins play them. But, it just wasn't even written in for them to have one of those great moments. These guys have been through a

I think they're clear on the Novak front. Jimmy's wife knew the deal. She's probably living in a bunker somewhere with a 10 year supply of Chef Boy R Dee and Twinkies.


"isn't Cas's host already married? I honestly don't remember."

She's sitting at home filling out a missing persons report.

I just want them to make out and be happy and for Dean to roll his eyes a lot because Cas is infuriating and his "people skills" are "rusty!" Only Ben Edlund understands me.