I'm pretty much in agreement here. There were some moments of brilliance and then some moments that just fell flat.
I'm pretty much in agreement here. There were some moments of brilliance and then some moments that just fell flat.
Everyone I know always gripes that it was "unrealistic" because of Aliens. Uhhuh. As opposed to the other Indiana Jones films rooted in realism..you know with the Ark of the covenant and that dood who rips your heart out? I guess somehow aliens are more unrealistic than religious stuff. Which would make sense if this…
8 year old me only cares that she named her "band" during latch-key program Cherry Bomb because 8 year old me was unaware of The Runaways.
I am one of the few who enjoyed Crystal Skull. I had fun. *shrug*
I've definitely seen Godzilla at least twice. Phantom Menace just the one time in the theater and NEVER AGAIN.
haha I just replied the opposite up thread there. I have never gotten thru Phantom Menace a second time.
Because Howard the Duck is amazing! I watched that at least a hundred times.
I can't even remember what Meet Dave is...maybe that's why? So bad that it has erased itself from the collective consciousness?
But the big difference is that if Godzilla '98 was randomly on the tv and I was bored, I'd probably sit through it. Whereas, I'd never get thru Phantom Menace a second time.
He sort of looks like a green version of Robin from Arkham City. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm not very well versed on Green Arrow.
Don't need a map to know this. We're aware. *sigh*
and that is why I stick to yoga videos at home. There's no way I'd get through a class like that without an extreme case of the giggles.
I would say intent makes it sexual or not sexual. Just as rape isn't sexual because the intent is power and control. I'd say getting off while on an exercise bike, if that wasn't your intention, is not so much sexual as probably a surprising thing to happen at the gym. But if you get on the bike intending to get off…
"in which Roger Daltrey from the Who guest stars as the voice of a talking caterpillar."
Yes, I get it. I reversed it. I've already been corrected.
I follow his twitter and read his bloggy stuff now and then. And also interviews. And the other day I saw a pic of him with his cat and I love cat guys. And that's all I'll say about him. :D
I didn't care for Coupling. But then I also didn't care for Friends.
Yes! That's what it was! (Words cannot describe the levels of exhaustion and what they're doing do my memory the past few weeks.)
I would love to see a web show that is a copy of Inspector Spacetime. It would sort of be like when there was talk of making a British version of "Friends" which itself was just an American version of the British "Coupling."