Cat VonAwesome

d'oh! Oh my god, y'all, I cannot believe I didn't catch all that. Plus the big red cape! I was just face/palming so hard at the golly gee whizness of Charming and Snow that I missed the details until Red ate that dood.

ooooh I know what I'm watching later? Was Espenson there? I girlcrush her hard.

Everything off about this episode is forgiveable because Ruby ATE her boyfriend. How do you come back from that?! That is one serious binge eating shame spiral.

I honestly had no idea this had opened already.

I've always wondered why Supernatural didn't take this one on in the earlier urban legend episodes.

Are we surprised that Fox is doing something that could potentially be dumb? They aired Firefly out of order as well.

Is the dancing shoes next week's Supernatural, though? I thought this week was "Out with the Old?"

Exactly. No one will ever be totally happy. When people start to gripe about motw stuff though, I just remind them to take a lookover S1-3 again. Monster, monster, monster, monster. They always manage to work in a bit of the overlying arc into their motw episodes though, and I love them for it.

The first 5 seasons definitely had a planned beginning and end game. While now, I think they're just at a season to season basis. I'm still enjoying the hell out of it, and they seem to be game to stay on as long as we're watching. But there's definitely a tonal shift.

Well then its decided! Off to Hollywood we go!

I'm only enjoying The River in a make fun of it with friends way. Grimm I couldn't get past episode 1. Once Upon a Time however, is so batshit that I can't stop.

I'd still hit it. (Bowie that is.)

Ludo! Logically I know he's a puppet, but the craft and mastery are so wonderful and amazing that even a bazillion years later, this clip managed to get emotion out of me. He had a sad! Someone should have hugged him.


Meeka Pickerdod

ha! A million internet points for you!

This is beautiful. I love that its almost satellite map like....almost like a Google earth view! OH DUH. I like how I missed that's what it is.

Opossums are mean little suckers. Adorable, but mean. I can respect that.

You beat me to it!

Thanks :) This is sort of what I was assuming but its hard to do your double checks and research during work!