Cat VonAwesome

Right?! I was just thinking that. Its one thing to write a one time movie that gets some awards. But this character has endured for years and generations and is still so compelling that an actor got an Oscar for portraying him. How friggin awesome!

I hate that they use Cloverfield as his tag because it isn't his best work, just most widely known. In my book he's Drew Goddard writer and producer of Buffy, Angel, and Lost. And also he played Fake Thomas Jefferson in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

Oh awesome! This is totally different from what I was expecting! I should have had more faith that Whedon wouldn't just write a regular slasher flick. Duh. Really looking forward to this now.

Jim Beaver was outstanding in this episode. And I was a blubbering idiot. Actually, I held it together until the playing ball with Dean scene and then I just lost it. I love Bobby wholeheartedly and sort of wish he was my dad too. So, I pretty much just turtled inside my bathrobe and blubbered all over it for the rest

I know they've said they have a plan for the show ending this season and they have a plan for it going into a season 8. So, they're prepared either way...

Word. Dean at this point, now that everything is disappearing, Dick should be scared. when Dean is pissed he's PISSED and scary and he will get you.

I've heard about the documentary and I'm actually excited about it as well! I may not love the baby voice, but its a fascinating piece of pop culture history and I am quite interested in learning about the person behind the muppet.

I very much enjoy movies that tell me exactly what's happening in the title. Great summer popcorn flicks should always do that! It makes it easier to choose while you're standing in the 100 degree weather with a melting brain just wanting to escape into AC for a while.

Its the baby voice talk. I honestly probably wouldn't have been so enamored with Elmo as a wee one either when I think about it. I never really did like anything with baby voice type talk.

Why hello there John Wayne's you doin?

Agreed. I loved me some cookie monster but I didn't turn into a sweets, guzzling diabetic. I actually rarely keep sweets in the house even.

I still sing the little songs when counting. Like the pinball one through twelve song. I loved, loved Sesame Street (and then Electric Company as I got older.) Looking back, especially with the new Muppets movie, I realize so much of that was that they were never patronizing to children. They treated us like we got it

I don't have issue with Elmo persay, but I was in my late teens when he showed up and he just seemed so far removed from the muppets I grew up with. The muppets always seemed like grown-ups who understood or still remembered childhood. Whereas Elmo was a child. It kinda drove me nuts. But I get why kids who were

Its got a sort of grasshopper look to it. And grasshoppers make you think of Jiminy Crickey! Hence, sort of cute.

Yeah, it would only take about 5 minutes of boring platitudes and the cookie offer to get me to register for my "darth" name.

A few years ago I might have freaked out about this pic. But I've been living in Louisiana for almost 10 years where everyone has multiple horror stories about contact with the infamous flying "waterbug." This guy looks cuuuuute in comparison!

Because usual barbie didn't come with a bazooka or hand grenades. And she does have a full body outfit and helmet in the package there.

For reals, Barbie has had a LOT of jobs. People do not give her credit for the many degrees she must hold. She's a Vet! She's a people doctor! She's an executive! An astronaut! A rockstar! A mom! She's like the James Franco of the doll world.

THIS is the Barbie I was dreaming of as a little girl! I would also like a Barbie Dream Zombie Proof Home and a Barbie Dream Attack Tank.

Since I'm a lady, I'm not all that concerned about defining my masculinity. ;)