Cat VonAwesome

That first paragraph actually makes me sadder about this wasted show. I gave up somewhere in the second episode due to the boredom factor. Shows with dinosaurs, apocalyptic wastelands and time travel should not. be. boring.

ditto. I have such a rant building up but I'm at work and cannot. I like my horror with, you know, horror.

oh no no no. Years ago I would've said "hells yes" but given the whiny teen supernatural movie culture we're in now I don't think I could handle it.

On the flip side, do you really want 22 episodes of Sam doing a retread of one flew over the cuckoo's nest? I'm ok with letting this fall to the side for now.

I agree. All 3 of us watching knew it was Becky before the reveal.

Frankly, I don't blame the writers for feeling a little bitchy. I have removed myself from almost all fandom discussions and activities relating to this show (except for here) because I couldn't take how bitchy the fans had gotten towards the people behind the show. It had some of the new writers turning into total

oohh nice! (sorry about the double post there... I wasn't logged in properly or something.)

Awesome... I did notice the Quantum Entanglement as well but my over analyzing of Fringe is always derailed by working weekends.

I think that theory falls apart with Peter's death in the current universe. Even in this timeline, Walter still went and got Peter from the other side and brought him over. Hence, Peter doesn't belong in either side's timeline.

I wasn't super surprised by Peter's sciency knowledge, but more surprised by his application of it. But that seemed, to me, to be more role reversal. Normally, Walter is the one scratching out the equations and coming up with theories and solutions. Because he wasn't doing so, Peter stepped up. It also had me

Fan fic could never live up to my expectations of Dean and Cas.

Kripke talks about it in some commentary for an episode but I can't remember exactly which one. It might be the pilot. Anyway, he's pretty into the Joseph Campbell archetypes on the show. Also, Ackles originally came in to read for Sam but then they had him try Dean out as well. Kripke said to him "Do you want to play

I remember doing that a couple times as a kid. But more out of fear that if I didn't respond correctly I'd fail or something. I was a nervous child.

Yeah, I'm not sure if my parents were totally aware of what was happening in The Last Unicorn. My little sister (now 32) and I watched it by ourselves on vhs ALL THE TIME. (I also watched every day Labyrinth like it was god speaking to me. That one my mother does remember with requisite rolled eyes.)

ehhhhh so far I've only met two characters that got to say they were the Han Solo of anything and that's because it was intentional. Hello Malcolm Reynolds and Dean Winchester. (Also Sam = Luke. Bobby = Chewie. Castiel = Leia.)

Now playing

Love the list, but I do agree with comments that some of these weren't unintentional. Disney definitely was working to release horror movies for kids in the late 70's/early 80's (From that we got Something Wicked and a few others) and I think it sort of trended a bit in the 80's. There are a lot of dark, gothy

Yes! Headless Horseman was f'ing scary! And aired every friggin Halloween.

I just reread The Phantom Tollbooth last week and caught myself actually giggling with glee at it. I have got to track down the animated version to watch again.

I'm inclined to agree that the painting could have elements of several people. Even if he used a model, that doesn't necessarily mean he was doing a strict by the numbers portrait. Perhaps he just needed someone to sit in for lighting, space, etc and then he went with it.

For reals. I mean, I'm enjoying the crazy but I like my fairytales extra dark and gory. Well, I like everything extra dark and gory, but still...