Yeah, this movie/book is probably why I let that spider live in my shower for months this earlier this year.
Yeah, this movie/book is probably why I let that spider live in my shower for months this earlier this year.
I always took the Disneyfied version to mean "the happy ending" version. But they really have removed a LOT of gore. Putting in the death of a parent or loved one is intense for children but not nearly as intense as the real little mermaid ending where she commits suicide. My little sister was obsessed with a…
I have not seen Cars a lot of which is due to the reasons you just listed. Though I think I'd really like to see the spin-off, indie-hit, darling film about the existential crisis of a Taxi without customers.
I have never seen any of the Toy Story movies. But then I was 18 when the first one came out and it held little interest for me.
I refuse to even look at anything associated with The Velveteen Rabbit. That story broke me as a child.
I think that the key behind good sci-fi/fantasy/horror is having it done by people who really care about the genre. If MacFarlane wants to do it and loves it then he could very well be the right person. He definitely has the knowledge base for the genre.
I loved Piranha 3d. It was hilarious and tongue in cheek and had awesome gross out gore. It was a great summer theater experience where everyone was laughing and yelling out at the screen (in the total fun way). You could tell everyone involved had a blast making the movie too.
Yeah, it'd be awesome if the salary range here wasn't about half of what it is in most cities.
"Her main object is believed to be to devour and consume everything that comes in her way. She is said especially to have a great relish for bones!"
I try so hard to resist the popcorn but I have to have it.
That's what I'm sayin. I love going to the movies. But, honestly, can't really afford a full night out at the movies these days. Also, in my world, no one works a regular 9-5/weekday job and some people have kids now and getting together for the movies is harder than it seems. I'm trying to get friends together for…
So, for $60, I could invite over a bunch of friends for movie night, bring our own cheapo snacks, and not have to deal with someone's screaming kid? That's actually not so bad. If everyone chipped in it would cost less than a night at the movies.
I made it about 5 minutes into the second episode and just had to stop. This isn't really a sci-fi show. Its a medical/cop drama with dinosaurs. And its boring. How is a show with dinosaurs boring?!
For reals. I've never really been interested in having kids. But every now and then the tiny thought will creep through but only until I remember the pregnant part, and the having to change my lifestyle part, and the not being able to be self centered anymore part. No thank you.
I also think this theory has a lot of credence. I was born in '76 and I love those little guys.
haha Its not like sex is ruined, I'm just not shocked by much anymore.
I think in a way Dean probably does trust Sam, but he just has zero trust for the rest of the world. If even earnest Cas could be tempted to screw up so much, how can anyone be trusted ever?
I think we're looking at Dean in a whole new level of his post-traumatic stress disorder line. As much as Sam kind of represents bi-polar/schizo, Dean has always been the soldier w/ PTSD. I think the loss of Cas and Sam's new symptoms have pushed him further into an unfeeling abyss.
That was the clip they showed at ComicCon this year and the Doctor Who panel was right after theirs. It went over quite well with the audience. I still wonder if they did that on purpose knowing that was the ep they would be taking to sdcc and that DW was after them. (It was the only one filmed as of the con)
I need this or I might die.