
1) On Sitting on Profits - Apple is currently paying dividends. This is performed by taking on debt in the united states to finance stock buybacks and straight up payments. So they are meeting shareholder obligations. so yes, apple is definitely giving investors profits that you posit would be reinvested, as, it is

Nah, it already happened. It’s bad, but not biblical bad or anything. Asian labor prices are high enough now that shipping is an important consideration when deciding where to make stuff.

nah I think OP is more or less right. But not based on articles, just personal experience. So it’s anecdotal.

As another thought this is why I thought of equity. They need to take their life into their own hands and grow the market themselves via self-promotion.

1) The women’s hockey team is not something you would eliminate in a perfect world (like an accountant) as they are value generators. The lawyer that drafts their contract would be eliminated if US hockey could, but there aint no show without the players. So value generation is a valid comparison.

There’s no online analysis/proof that the WNBA acts as a gateway drug, expanding the market for basketball viewership overall.

People pay to see spectacle of competition, not a “work product” of a gold medal. The work product is basically gladatorial combat exhibition, win or lose.

Dirty secret is, the president and government have highly limited power to really improve the economy. There are a number of studies that show that the economy is mostly out of the hands of the government, save maybe the federal reserve. That includes Obama, Bush, and all the other guys too...

He thinks he IS Han Solo, maybe? DISRUPT THE HUTT CRIME EMPIRE

Haha that’s a great point actually. I would say every one of those guys is bound for the HOF. But I think Steve Smith may make it in over Andre Johnson, say, just because of how unique he was in terms of play style (being a friggin’ animal). Also, he did all this on the PANTHERS, man. That has to figure in too...

Isn’t prioritizing gaming traffic just QoS, I.E. on like, every router ever? Or is it just that it will automatically apply QoS settings for you?

PLC’s are an exception. PLC’s are not like traditional programming. They are for pure hardware state machine-like control. Think of a cascade of relays or flip flops making PID loops.

I’d say C syntax is still very common these days - C#-like is common in automation stuff too, or coding for iphones. Even verilog is pretty similar. I would say most people know C-like languages very well these days.

The big reason actually, is not the labor cost.

nah, I disagree. people thought that about the automated loom, the automated switchboard, and a lot of things. There are a lot more jobs now than there were back then, certainly.

because for $1 the government spends planting trees, $1 goes in someone’s pocket as benefit. End of story.

I’m as liberal as the next guy (bernie supporter) but I don’t believe the bad stats either.

This is actually true. Obama did not do a great job making real, middle class unskilled jobs. The only thing is, I don’t think anyone could have. The technology and robotics availability has changed dramatically in the last 10 years.

Now playing

Progressives are negative on the concept of a large scale job growth from manufacturing return because a lot of us are scientists and engineers that design these plants for a living.

Now playing

It’s just too low value to bring home electronic assembly. There is no such thing as a “great pick and place technician” when you own one of these things.