
nah I don’t believe DEMONSTRABLY worse. let’s see a real product first across real conditions and enough miles and we can make that call. (even Tesla’s autopilot miles likely are not even close to enough yet if you ask the informatics ppl)

Ok - why don’t we take it a step farther then.

dude most VC’s (I.E. the people that give out money to make your dream work) won’t even listen to 2 minutes of your pitch you without the right stuff on your resume. That means a stanford, MIT, cal, caltech, etc engineering degree, or a high level leadership/founder position at a notable startup on your CV.

nah, not really though. I think the burden of proof is really on you to prove all cities in america are equally fun.

heh got it. everyone around me that i think is talented is secretly not. Man, so many secret dumb people in the bay. MIND BLOWN. In reality, most REALLY SMART talented people when you get past a certain age are not super interested in being a founder. Most of the really smart people COULD be, it’s just a crappy

Dean is correct. There are many places you can grow a large talent pool (See: Austin, Boston, Research Triangle, Seattle, etc) but highly skilled, talented workers want to live somewhere fun with more jobs. That is why there’s no tech hub in Detroit. If you make $150k a year coding ruby or whatever, you can have a

not bad but still not mass gen dude. Crazy cool treatments come out of MIT/Harvard like every day into that joint. Chances are your doctor knows of a cool experimental treatment that can halve your recovery time or have other awesome benefits down the hall.

RE: best stadium to get injured in: Detroit, Cincy, all these shitholes are not worth considering for best option just because they are SO CLOSE ON WAZE. What, you want a B+ doctor to fix your PRO ATHLETE BODY WORTH A FUCKLOAD OF MONEY just so you can get there in 30 minutes? That ACL is worth a billion dollars!

Never heard of the term “advanced manufacturing”. Google was not very useful. What kinds of skills does it entail?

hell, a non-stick spray on your windshield might not make this work. rubber sticks to hydrophillic stuff only.

you forgot the dildo

“Gotta keep your guard up kid”

Yes, your neighbors will be the unemployed and not you. It will still be your problem. When everyone around you is poor, your life sucks too. See: Latin America, where middle class people get kidnapped all the time. Poverty and resulting crime are a real problem there. It screws with your life when poverty is near

Haha, yeah, American Capitalism is busted. It’s predicated on infinite 5-10% growth YOY. We are going to run out of space, resources, etc.

Nah, I think you are confusing a solution and a problem.

Wait, what? was that /s?

Something, I don’t know. I live in Silicon Valley, and this is an issue that every techbro thinks is solvable by just declaring factory workers fundamentally useless and giving them enough money to go away, and not become high crime, so their Tenderloin-bordered loft can keep it’s value.

My point is not that someone could have done it in the past. Sure, yeah, he did it. My point is, you cannot do that now for 2 Reasons:

I do not believe in minimum standard income. Think about it:

No, you should put your weight behind improvements that can really help *you*. Re-Education for jobs people need is probably the biggest one. As your job disappears, you need to prepare for the next one.