cats not kids

Nope but buddy you can bet all the money in your pocket that I am going to do that.

it should be the $7.8 bill

The US has always had its sins, many of them evil enough to be beyond forgiveness, and we certainly created myths along the way about who we were, and are, and to give credit, some of them have a measure of truth at their core.... That we are a country that has admonished itself time and again and been redeemed for

For all the hate, vitriol, subtle and overt racism that was aimed at this man over the last eight years, did he not handle it with uncommon grace and dignity? I never asked President Obama to be a perfect President, such a thing is an impossibility. But he played the long game, never panicked, never showed fluster,

rip to the biggest casualty of this move which is jay pharoah’s ben carson impressions

Whoa, that was... illuminating.

I started out thinking this was just going to be having some fun with an inadvertently displayed middle finger, but I’ll be damned if Bobby doesn’t have me convinced that this is what happened right down to 4am on a Monday morning.

I’m still (because I am delusional) holding out for a Happy Endings revival. As long as he’s working and I can watch, I’ll take him however I can get him.

Megan Fox and Damon Wayans Jr. are probably hooking up.

You will get piled on, but I agree. I didn’t see anything shocking about her assessment that young women tend to more subservient to men. Like...that’s how it goes. It takes some time to even notice the sexism in our world. You have to work awhile before you feel it. Have a couple crap relationships before it clicks.

I’m gonna get so much shit for saying this but studies like this only reinforce my belief that GloStein’s comments about Bernie supporters was a bit on-the-nose. Young women are taught to keep their voices pleasant (no fighting tones, no vocal fry); they internalize their under-representation by keeping their voices

Amen about the almonds. I made the mistake of buying a bag and sticking it in my desk thinking I’d be cool for a few weeks. Day 3, I had two almonds left. See also: craisins.

Cate: Love it, meh, love it. Or Love it, love it, meh.

I don’t know what it says about her, and a “Girl’s gotta do...”, but when my bff got out she was shellshocked. She took about 3 months to re-acclimate. She looked like a deer in highlights for about a month. She cried at the drop of a hat. And she couldn’t sleep in the quiet for weeks. She said she had to re-learn how

Don’t worry, it is:

I’m glad to see the school is taking it seriously and not sweeping it under the rug but I’m not surprised. I was raped at a frat when I was a Cornell student back in 2008 and while it was obviously an awful and traumatic experience, the school did everything they could to help me. They worked with the local pd with me

O’Kroley “wanted more,”

This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.

I’m so glad this is has become a regular feature.