cats not kids

You forget, slavery and Jim Crow weren’t about white supremacy. They were about States’ Rights. The right of the Southern States to treat human beings like chattel and then force the North to do the same...

Wednesday or GTFO

Yeah, that was frustrating mainly because I actually agree with her statement that, since women make up over 50% of our population, we shouldn’t be treating women’s issues as “special interests.” Except she would use that argument to dismiss and delegitimize any issues that affect women instead as a way to bolster

Seriously, fuck ‘em all. And fuck Carly Fiorina especially for that straight-up jaw-droppingly pandering answer. She sounded like one of those girls who scrawls “I DON’T NEED FEMANISIM BECAUSE ...” on a sheet of paper and takes porny pictures with it for internet points.

Nerd alert: He played Jojen Reed on Game of Thrones.

Is it just me or do the MOC in that lineup look incredibly whitewashed?

You don’t need to feed your Jesus statue. He’s already..

I wrote a parody of Passion of the Christ (as a kind of performance art piece) that was so sacrilegious that my friends who performed in it had their kid taken away in a custody dispute when the Catholic judge was shown pics of it. Took years to straighten out. Worst thing I ever accidentally did.

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

I actually think this is a really smart move on the part of the judge. All she has to do to stay out of jail is nothing. It’s going to be hard to look like a martyr if she continues to be an obstacle even after her name is off the licenses.

But it’s the end of days and these proud warriors are righteously trampling over others rights simply to save souls. There isn’t time to stop and think about anything else. The christian god that was invented in America some time in the late 20th century is bringing the hammer down soon, so people like Kim Davis are

I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the

This is about my twin sister. First day of school, she was in second grade. A boy named Ricky started picking on her. Pulling at her hair, slapping, kicking and terrorizing her. She was scared but nobody did anything. The teacher just told Ricky to stop it but he continued. He was big and an asshole. He grabbed her

This just in:

The email addresses on AOL were your usernames but because I was 12 I thought there were two separate things. I actually would email their username and ask what their email address was and then write it down in a little book.

Maybe I’m rusty from being away for so long, but I have no snark for her. I legitimately feel sorry for her. To feel so trapped that you can’t leave your husband after you find out he’s molested 5 little girls, most being his sisters, is a horror I could never imagine. His infidelity is just the sick cherry on top of

high five to my bf who never complains about using a condom and with whom I have had many fantastic and safe sexual encounters without getting knocked up

Yep. It’s all bitch, all the time on any sort of public transportation, no matter how long/short the trip. I’m sure I’ve been rude to some perfectly nice people, but... meh.