cats not kids

"it's mom..." I can only hope to embarrass my kids, on that level, at some point in their lives.


Hi Mark,

"Most of them just want pets."

Guys, I've been following all these models, Ashley Graham, Marquita Pring, Tara Lynn on Insta along with everyday plus-size fashion blogger models of various sizes. (Tess Munster is a fave, she's probably among the bigger of them size-wise and goorrrrgeous with kitschy vintage style). Anyway, regularly seeing these

I'm hardly an expert, but over the years I've learned to use Photoshop moderately well through lots of practice (mostly because I just wanted to see how these things work). Anyway, my point is that someone who probably is an expert is going to be able to come in and explain this actually properly, but for now:

Originally when I heard the criticism of the video I was like "I get it but at the same time, don't minimize the lived experience of the girl in the video though'. But after seeing this I really respect what these women have put together. It's hard out here for all of us. As a woman of size I get some weird, fucked up

Here's the thing. In my experience, I NEVER, literally NEVER see men casually greet each other on the street unless they know each other. These men are throwing out seemingly harmless greetings in hopes you will turn and want to talk. Or they may just want a smile. Sorr,y but I only smile when I feel smiley, not

Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I

OMG that guy silently walking by her for 5 minutes. Blech! Gave me the chills.

Dear Single Men of (Insert Any City Here),

You're missing the point. The scary thing to admit to yourself is that nothing, ever, can 100% protect you from being raped. Living your life as a total shut in who is constantly paranoid and terrified of strangers and people around you might get you close, let's say for argument's sake, 99%. But nothing can protect

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

I'm guessing the reward for each question was reduced by roughly 20% as well.

shhh no everything she wrote was perfect


Having a copper IUD has made my period like 9+ days, so like is there a list of these dudes?

I had this happen recently (in the last couple of weeks) with a guy I saw two fucking times a year and a half ago. The first date seemed alright but on the second date, he took me on a date OUTSIDE when it was 95+ degrees after I politely asked we remain inside because I was dehydrated from working out that afternoon

This is pretty much the norm on OKCupid. I once had a guy message me 3 HOURS after his initial message, asking me "Can you offer me a decent explanation as to why a woman would not message back a man like me?"

I read the headline and thought they dressed up like Al Capone and the like and thought, "Well, what's the big deal?"