I figured it's probably an attempt at humor, but...where the fuck are the jokes? He just...it doesn't work. At all. In no way is it funny.
I figured it's probably an attempt at humor, but...where the fuck are the jokes? He just...it doesn't work. At all. In no way is it funny.
Eh, for all intensive purposes it's basically the same thing.
I once heard an acapella group perform Jessie's Girl, and the main guy sang "The point is probably mute", and I almost jumped up on stage and strangled him. How had no one corrected this during rehearsals!?
Both "Nick-pick" and "Shutter" are making me want to cry.
Seconded. I drive what I lovingly refer to as The World's Shittiest BMW. It's 20 years old. It has over 180K miles. The driver's side window doesn't go down. The interior is falling apart. We got it for free from friends who didn't want to take it on their cross-country move. Cute little logo on the hood…
Republicans tell me there are no white people on welfare. This story is a fabrication.
Henceforth, losing one's anal virginity shall be known as popping the Mascherano cherry.
But if you are low income, your are not supposed to be financially savvy. duh.
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
Once again an Argentinian is prepared to give the Germans easy entry.
That's a common injury in that area. Millions of Brazilians were also severely butthurt recently.
It was both a torture and a murder chamber. The rental description probably referred to it as a multi-use space.
Yes a chamber for the purpose of murdering. (Or whatever you want to do in it. It's your murder chamber.)
As a Mexican-American my biggest one is any Latina stereotype. A chola gang member a spicy, sexy, spitfire, or a rosary clutching maid. I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Rosa Diaz and Amy Santiago. They have more than one Latina on the same show and neither of them are maids or have their boobs spilling out. I want to hug…
so what? Terry Crews can never work again?!?!?!?
I always ask for a running tally of exactly how many bowel movements were excreted by the previous tenant. I like to rotate toilets every 10,000 craps.
c. Good luck getting both or even either of those into the heads of the mass of customers TGI Friday's is probably going to be filled with.
The "superhot" female cop/agent/etc who is supposedly a martial arts expert badass but who looks like she could be blown over by a sneeze and is confused by big words. Buffy was the original, but was a twist on the idea so it was ok...recently there have been many more who don't have magic powers as an excuse.
This joins the long list of daily reminders for why I am grateful for being out of the food industry business. Endless pasta bowl season was a fucking nightmare.
I wish I could pretend that I didn't want this.