
Yeah, people say that, but as soon as you send one, everybody freaks out.


Mine is: 'Wow, you're well built. We should wrestle.' This was on a tube platform on my way to work.

In all fairness, perhaps he wasn't hitting on me and he only thought I'd make a good opponent.

This was a fun story that creeped me out and got the attention of a lot of people on the internet, making it worth sharing. Bubbling was an interesting thing to read about and share with an audience who had a lot of thoughts on it. Both posts also ended up getting a lot of views which suggests that the subject matter

I got in a cab once coming out of a sex/kink convention and the driver kept asking me what kind of event it was and if all the people were "gays". I was super uncomfortable but finally said yes, most of the people are queer, me included. I thought I was going to get a rant, but instead he said "oh good, the gays are

Pretty sure No Sleep is just another creepypasta forum. They are implicitly fake but users are encouraged to act and react as though they are real. This is a nice one, though.

This isn't creepy or terrifying because there is no such thing as ghosts.

Him: Do you have a little Irish in you?

I've never understood why people like to bring up their experiences with celebrities and then refuse to say who the celebrity is. Like, what's going to happen? Is he watching your every move, waiting for you to say something bad about him so he can sue you? I just don't get it.

I work at the public library and regularly work the reference desk. One memorable night there was a man who was straight up masterbating in the computer lab. May I mention that this was in the youth section of our library. Naturally, vigorously stroking oneself to foot fetish porn, or any porn, is not allowed, so I

You know it's bad when the wingman can't even keep it together.

He knows better now. Let's not berate an ally ok?

In college, I was a no make-up wearing nature-y art major. My favorite outfit was this fairly long, heavy gray wool skirt, black wool sweater, black wool cap and long gray coat. Flashy, right? I had take the Greyhound bus to get from college to my hometown to visit my parents. Anyway, an Amish dude gets on the

I was once lost in Queens (aged 20) and scared and upset, as I'd been repeatedly sexually harassed that day (aside from some extremely aggressive catcalling on the street, I'd jumped off the subway a stop early after an older Indian businessman sat down beside me, put his hand on my thigh, and told me he wanted to

I was 18. I had an older (40-something) neighbor. One day when my roommates were out and I was home alone, he knocked on the door. He held out a warm bottle of malt liquor, and asked if I'd like to have a drink with him. I politely declined. He said, "Are you sure? Because when I take my teeth out, my tongue

I hope you stashed his tips for emergency Oreo purchases. Because I am spiteful.

I guess the real question is - Do you prefer a plaid trilby, or something monochrome?

I was 12 years old and it was the day of 6th grade graduation. There was an assembly that day so my mom had picked out a new, pale yellow, culotte, jumpsuit and a denim vest. About mid way through getting ready, I went to the restroom and noticed I was bleeding and realized I was starting my period. My mom had

Mine was just humourous. I of course had my first period at my father's house (split time half and half), and it was literally night one of my week with him, and I remember having cramps and not knowing what was going on. It's 11pm (and I'm what - 11, 12?) so when I get up my dad can hear me around upstairs and is

My parents tried to be all body positive, which I appreciate in hindsight but UGH.