
Well, I'm flipping it the other way in my mind, and I get it. Say you had to leave your daughter alone in a room with a doctor (authority figure) who would tell her that abortion causes cancer, gay people are all going to hell, and sex before marriage will make her "damaged" and no decent man will ever love her. You'd

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them


This is almost exactly what I'm wearing right now.

But there are still people who would say that a top like that is acceptable, but revealing the same amount of breast (or even less) while breastfeeding is obscene.

When I got married, I saved so much money because most of my friends are professional assassins, so they volunteered their services to kill the guests as a wedding present. Also I made my own poison crystal necklace from upcycled thrift store jewelry, the DJ had 'The Rains of Castamere' on his iPod shuffle, and the

Reading comprehension fail of the day: "a long inverted boob."

first off Kim K looks great. secondly, i'm curious what kind of tape, lever, and pulley situation she has going on to create that formidable breast situation

She gets points for referring to Laverne Cox as "she", as she should be and not making a cheap transsexual joke.

See, the sandwich was the only thing in the whole article that sounded pretty good to me.

agreed, except I actually thought that sandwich sounded pretty good. but then again, avocados are my life force.

It's got to start somewhere. I'm sure Richardson isn't the only person in fashion that takes advantage of models.

I looked at the actual article and it's supposed to say "EYE Makeup"

No, I'm DEFINITELY putting on makeup all wrong! I barely ever wear makeup but if I could hire someone to put it on for me every morning, I would be slathered in so much makeup you don't even know. How do you people make eyeliner look pretty? Are you all warlocks?

Like...they won't leave you alone until you whip your dick out?

It galls me that we can't just say, "Nope, I'm not interested."

And then cross your fingers he doesn't insist on texting you while you're still in front of him. You know, just to make sure he didn't hear you incorrectly.

If enough of us do it at once it will sound like a drum circle.

Of all the mistakes I've made in my life, this one hurts the most. Thank you for letting me know. I can't believe I got this wrong considering how much I love that song. (Also: I didn't know what skeet meant for years and just sang it like it was normal.)

Uzo was amazing this season. You can practically see the demons she lives with in every scene. Overall, I was really taken with the range this season allowed for each of the actresses. I'd say my favorite is Danielle Brooks, who plays Taystee. Her performance was so subtle and her face so incredibly expressive—it