If this is indeed the case, folks, I'm sorry to report you that you shall soon bow down to my daughter, empress of the universe.
If this is indeed the case, folks, I'm sorry to report you that you shall soon bow down to my daughter, empress of the universe.
I agree. Chantelle is stunning and I'm sure she'll do great but you just know Tyra is going to be obnoxious about this.
How does one manage perfectly symmetric vitiligo? For these models, even when there is a genetic problem they win the genetic lottery.
Agreed. It's as funny as "I like my beers like I like my policy issues: domestic." Hilarious!
I thought they were funny the first few times I saw them, but now I HATE these "Free Beer" signs! They invite idiot customers that can't read the entire thing properly and whine and nag loudly that the business 'lied to them'. Feel bad for the bartenders that have to explain over and over again "we don't really have…
A woman walks into a bar, and then leaves because whoever runs the bar is an asshole.
They published her name and the location where she works. They put her in danger. Yes, we need to call that out. I talked to someone who is friends with her family, and they are terrified. This asshole had fans, and they are already threatening her life, among other things.
And the owners should be fined to fuck and banned from owning any other pets.
An acquaintance of mine just had a baby recently .... and named her Martha.
I was almost an Agnes! My dad liked Edith, Audrey, Agnes, and a bunch of Welsh names that sound cool but would have made my life hell constantly pronouncing or spelling for people, since I moved to the states when I was six.
Haha. My cousins are named Krystal and Jewel. My dad always made fun of their names for being stripper-y, but then my sister and I both took on the nicknames Nikki (Nicole) and Dani (Danielle). WHO'S GOT STRIPPER-Y DAUGHTERS NOW DAD?
Yes, you win. Though if you were a Bassett hound or a fussy English librarian, Barnstable is the perfect name. I assume you're neither.
This came out when I was in high school. I got enough crap for having the same last name as Avril, NO THANKS.
Flloyd. Fucking Flloyd. It was his turn to name the baby, and with two daughters he knew it was his last change to use his favourite name. He wanted it to be a constant reminder of his college days.
My father wanted to name me Iphigenia. Instead, they decided to name me after a character in a French existential play about hell. My parents have real cheery personalities.
Oh, I win this one easily. If I had been a boy I would have been named Barnstable. BARNSTABLE.
If I had been a boy I would have been named Dirk Pit. Thank goodness I was born a girl.
It's horrible that she's basically saying that her child is a punishment from God.
Satan gives out the autism, dummy.