What kind of monster would call Don Cheadle "wack"?
What kind of monster would call Don Cheadle "wack"?
Yeah, that is one of those, "Are these real Twitter accounts or staffers writing gags?" situations. The David Blaine burn was almost *too* good...
The ones where they get a kick out of the tweet are best. Julia Roberts and Andy Garcia were also fun. Ethan Hawke also seemed pretty bemused.
wow, fuck you. A couple people in the comments have already mentioned how much trouble they have getting glitter nail polish off, and while I've been to nail salons, they've never taken my nail polish off like that before.
The polish over the cuticles is driving me crazy.
I'm just going to use this time to share my trick for getting off glitter, and any other kind of textured polish.
Because I am a pushover, I make my dude a lunch almost every workday (he sometimes doesn't get one if I am pissed or if I fall back asleep and forget), so I have probably hit well over 300 sandwiches in the five-ish years we've been together. BUT - he is bizarre about food, and they have ALL been peanut butter on…
I love that she thinks he looks like ASkars. That's my favorite detail in this story.
"They ended up leaving together..." So should we assume that the one did protest too much?
Lol yeah. I should have mentioned that he was so embarrassed that he called another friend to come pick him up as soon as he woke up (and before the rest of us did, I imagine the bathtub was uncomfortable), and that he managed to leave without seeing my mother face to face. She liked the flowers but said she'd have…
During my sophomore year of high school, my parents sent me to drug and behavioral rehabs for being too gay. My step-mother told me to "butch it up." Alas, none of these places actually treated homosexuality so I was lucky. I just got to hang out with misfits for 9 months in three different treatment facilities.
Was the stegosaurus at your prom? Because if so, I am crazy jealous. I am all about some dinosaur prom.
Preface for context:
I grew up in a very small town. There were 300 kids in my high school, so we went to prom all 4 years because there weren't enough kids in any one class to host a dance. Also, people brought dates from out of town a lot to diversify the prom. Similarly, small town high schools take underage…
"De Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?"
I was dating two boys who were both seniors, one in the port town I lived in and another in L.A., about 20 miles away. Port Town's prom just happened to be thrown in a fancy schmancy hotel in downtown LA. We (my hometown BF and 6 of our buddies) hire this total scumbag of a limo driver who does not even hesitate to…
For my junior prom, I attended with my boyfriend, my best friend, and my boyfriend's good friend who was my own friend's date. The guys were a year ahead of us so they wanted to attend a different party after the dance. I dropped them off at some rich girl's family mansion and we picked them up a few hours later. At…
Oh, other prom story: my junior prom (the one where my boyfriend took another girl because he was an idiot) was not very interesting. One of my friends had a tendency to get carsick and brought some dramamine (sp?), but did not have a tiny satin purse to hold it in. I offered to hold it for her. Turns out she…
Oh man. I went to 6 proms so I have a lot of stories.
I went with the exchange student because I was "safe."