I'm in my early-20s, not old at all, but holy eff who are these people?! I know the girl from true grit, girl from Kickass and the one from Modern family.
I'm in my early-20s, not old at all, but holy eff who are these people?! I know the girl from true grit, girl from Kickass and the one from Modern family.
Will it be your ghost telling the story
Llamas are vicious! I've been spat on by them a lot of times. Now I hear their characteristic coughing and rumbling before they spit and I run.
I love salt so much, so my solution is to use broccoli or cauliflower or lettuce as a vehicle for transporting salt into my mouth. Lime juice or vinegar helps.
I'm the same. Breakfast is my alone time, when I catch up with my twitter feed, read my book and sit in absolute silence. My mom and sister are also the type that looooove arguments for arguments sake and posing imaginary scenarios, (If you could pick any scent to never smell again which would it be and why?) which…
It's worse when they say yes then look back at the menu for like a minute without saying anything. Meanwhile, the poor waiter/tress is just waiting there, pen in hand...
UGHH this happened to me while traveling alone. I had a couple of days I was going to be alone in Berlin while meeting up with friends, and there was a restaurant I was dying to try. (My friends are vegetarians/gluten free/etc. so waiting for them was a no-no.) When I made reservations for one, the hostess was like…
Whenever I want to get dinner out and don't have anyone to go with, I go to the movies and have a dinner there. You're in the dark, the table is made for one, and the actors make great dining companions.
I know it's stupid but I really dislike when people I'm dining with ask the server "Which one of these two options do you prefer?". How do you know that what the server likes will be what you like?! Or that they have even tried those dishes? If you don't care about your choice so much that you'll let a complete…
To me, the perfect answer is food trucks. I don't know if the city you live in has a food-truck culture, but they generally let you try new foods without the snobbery of a higher-end restaurant.
I've tried grasshoppers coated in chili pepper and they honestly just feel like eating a peanut. That said, I'd rather just eat a peanut.
I understand perfectly! I'm a picky eater when it comes to meat (I'll eat alllllll veggies but pretty much only chicken breast and ground beef) and especially dislike fish and seafood even if I've constantly tried to like it. That said, if I'm a guest at someone's home and they serve me fish or seafood I drown that…
I don't understand canned/tinned vegetables unless it's something really weird that you have a hard time finding fresh. Carrots? Carrots will grow almost anywhere.
I commented too soon before finishing the video... turns out there's a whole troop of dancing Pee Wee Hermans.
Does Pee Wee Heman make an appearance at around 0:47 closing the curtains??
And Flula Borg.
Are you British?
My favorite pick up line to me so far has been "Ooh la la, God bless America!"
I love this type of weird, relatively harmless, overly-specific stereotypes about groups of people. "Oh yes, the gays, they're great tippers"