
Yesterday was my birthday, too, and mine was awful as well. None of my friends could make it to my birthday dinner, so I had to cancel it and spend my birthday alone. I cried all day.

I mean... you’re right. But if I could somehow magically switch him for The Donald right now, I would.

I am very lazy and so cannot go find the YouTube vid... But I want to point out that Eric Andre groped Mel B when she went on his show and you could just see her die inside. Its on an Eric Andre highlight reel on YouTube. Seems worth mentioning in light of everything else. It was pretty awful to watch. So, fuck that

There are so many Lena defenders it’s amazing. I saw comments of maybe the victim was lying because why would Lena support Her friend if she didn’t have evidence it was false.

I have zero time for handwringing about these guys. Should they be able to have a basic standard of living and one or two people who enjoy them enough to keep in touch? Sure. I’m willing to engage in some advocacy on behalf of poor sex offenders in that vein. Everyone listed already has that, though.

Calling her head of security “a Nazi, a skinhead, a Ku Klux Klan member, and a white supremacist” and then sexually harassing him are the things that come to mind for me now when I think of her. That and her “performance” on New Years.

As far as the photo, I mostly agree with you - it doesn’t look to me like he actually touched her, but instead was just aiming for “hey look, I’m pretending like I’m going to grope this unconscious woman against her will, HA HA SO FUNNY.” It’s disgusting, offensive, and incredibly disrespectful towards her, but if he

I am really tired of the “he wasn’t ACTUALLY touching her in the photo” defense.

I had an abusive (female) partner who would cheat on me, agree to “let” me wear condoms, and then guilt-trip and insult me during sex until I agreed to remove it. So you’re not alone in that, although I’m sure it’s much, much less common than the reverse.

Seriously, no one is going to leave a ‘good on ya, Drake’ comment here? Good for him.

That Drake, he’s a little bit of a dorky try hard, but he’s a good boy.

Do yourself a favor and go listen to the episode of Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me with Henry Winkler. Apparently this whole story line was a result of his mother nagging him by letter to tell the showrunners that he has other skills they can use - like water skiing. He ignores her forever because how the holy eff are you

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

I can taste it. How can I taste it?

We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing

I literally did a dramatic gasp when I read this headline. The removal of it from the AFI Festival and the seeming removal of it from the Oscar race made me and my brother (we’ve been running a Oscar pool since we were in middle school with a cousin of ours) think it was going to be a VOD thing.

when I was 20 - I had a small role in a movie he was starring in. He wouldn’t leave the dressing room while the stylists were fitting us models. At the time, I really didn’t know it was an option to not get undressed in front of him (he’s also who cast us). His behaviour kept getting more and more inappropriate that

On a slightly related note.