
I 100% believe that this is about things like lawn clippings and tree roots, and anyone who finds it unbelievable isn’t acquainted with suburbia.

Starting when I was 14, I had a boss who would touch just a little too much or make weird comments but it wasn’t overt and I didn’t learn until I was older how fucked it was. But IMO, I’d recommend if you can like spreading the word that you’re not a touchy person (dodge a hug, fake laugh it off) just to everyone and

This is a bullshit misinterpretation of Paul’s position, and frankly, it shows just how dishonest you libs are.

Poor Rand Paul; yet another victim of The Bowling Green Massacre.

No, absolutely not. It does not matter how much they are paid or how much they are in the public eye. Having naked images of you stolen and then being blackmailed to prevent their release is 100% NOT part of their job.

Well, that’s not what he meant. Look at his misogynistic comment history.

What I read in your comments is that sense of entitlement/ privilege that cis hetero men feel they have. That makes me upset but I’m trying not to flame you.

Please stop. Do not make excuses for this. If you are what you say, you know that these men chose to be this way. People like you are responsible for this not being as stigmatized as it should be.

Isn’t that douche bag with the frosted hair who thru spaghetti at his mom in the movie Zombie Nightmare one of the producers of this show. Then this all makes sense.

I know. It’s a painful realization that the three of them aren’t bad. The younger two will also probably be fine eventually.

Seems Leto is trying to avoid all those allegations regarding his behaviour from re-emerging.

Could someone from a generation or two earlier explain to me how clubs like Studio 54, Palladium, and The Limelight were able to operate if this law was in place, please? Is it like prostitution on The Deuce and the police just took an annual gift to look the other way until Giuliani and decided he wanted some of

Here ya go, Jerry. 50% less smell. And mustache twirling!

Not sure if I’m reading it right, but it seems as though he’s trying to imply Kara was unhappy due to the fact that she wasn’t “part of the fun”. Like she felt left out because they weren’t asking to fuck her in the ass? Which, is something someone with an over-sized ego would think, so maybe it checks out?

I’ve hoped someone would cut the legs out from under him for a while. Because he goes so hard at conservatives, he gets a lot of publicity and attention from liberals.

Can anyone remember reading an article maybe two years ago about efforts in a few states to increase the severity of sexual assault charges when strangulation is involved? Apparently people who strangle their partners have a VERY high chance of going on to murder them later.

As an Iranian, yes, he was.

I started this article thinking, “No. No way.” THEN BUSH’S PR TEAM ADMITTED IT!!

Carter’s mistake was giving the Shah asylum. Prior administrations had installed and supported the Shah’s dictatorship, which eventually led to the Iranian revolution. Furthermore, pressure from domestic intelligence, military and political leaders drove accommodating the Shah, a loyal ally. Plenty of blame to be

Why wouldn’t he be welcomed back... all the other war criminals were. The list of living, non-war criminal, ex US presidents is very, very...