
It’s still kind of gross how Democrats have really ignored Clinton’s behavior. Yeah, Trump’s a disgusting predator but why do we have to lionize another one?

“It was a sad, dark speech that spoke in brutal terms about the president his party elected, although many over the course of Flake’s anti-Trump crusade have noted that he’s no moderate hero, and likes to preach a return to good old non-racist “conservative values””

If their parents aren’t straight up modeling this behavior, they’re ignoring it. As someone who’s constantly debating my All Lives Matter, “Kaepernick isn’t playing because his stats” coworkers, I never underestimate the ability for white people to gaslight themselves into an oblivious wonderland where they’re not

I, personally, prefer the SAFE test.

All. Day. Long.

He’s a guy of ordinary intelligence who’s under the impression he’s brilliant due to a combination of straight white dude and knowing a lot of people dumber than him. It’s one of the most irritating personality types.

Wow. So I just wanted to throw my prema-grey hat into the ring here and say that I don’t get this pile on. I don’t think I’ve EVER had a conversation with my dad about sex (I’m in my early 30s). But my dad is the best, and I talk to him about all KINDS of things including my relationships. I don’t think being

As long as they get the love and resources they need, who cares about the manner in which they’re discussed, clinically or otherwise.

I’m a pretty reserved person, so I tried very hard to not talk to either of my parents about reproductive health much. My mom clearly positioned herself as the point person on reproductive health during my childhood, but after they got divorced that division of labor wasn’t always viable. I will always be super

I like how he kept his cool enough to remember that he did say he would advise you of the situation before he took action. It’s considerate.

A couple of years ago me and my brother were at the AFC Championship game in Foxboro. There were these drunk assholes(unbelievable, I know) standing in front of us for the whole game. The guys in the row behind us, one of which looked like what would happen if Sasquatch got fucked by a Viking, was getting more and

Your words to me earlier:

Apparently after the interview because it was so weird The New Yorker then called The Mooch back to ask if the interview was on the record and he said it was. He can’t even keep track of stories that are three days old..

Men like you are perpetually ruled by a 3-5” floppy piece of skin and fibrious muscle tissue and yet women are the ones routinely criticized and disregarded as having “no control over themselves” and “prone to making irrational and illogical decisions”?

I feel ya, I try to ignore the crap this week in favor of the good. The fact that I have brand new healthy, adorable nephew is one of the few things keeping me sane and non depressive this week.

It’s not odd if both people are OK with it and there is clearly a mutual attraction. But how about this: I’m a sixteen year old kid working in a fast food joint. A dude that I am not interested in comes in literally five times every shift just to order something to drink. He is always trying to chat me up. All of my

A teacher flirting with the parent of a student is unprofessional and could get them fired. A parent flirting with their child’s teacher is also inappropriate and gross. Sadly, schools cannot fire parent, so just use good judgment, please!! And this is regardless of the genders involved. I’m aware of a situation where

As a conventionally attractive convenience store cashier, no you shouldn’t flirt with people at work.

If the only reason you took your kid to the park was to flirt with any woman, it would be gross. If you’re inflicting your flirtation on a person who’s trying to talk to you about educating your kid, it’s gross. Using a child as a way to get laid is creepy. You’ve been watching too many Adam Sandler movies if you

This is gonna sound crazy to you, but the majority of parent-teacher conferences my husband and I have attended were with teachers we never met before. It was a total crap shoot whether we’d be talking to someone attractive or someone repulsive, physically or mentally. It’s gross you’d use your kid to mack on a woman