
Damn. This is infuriating. Sorry you’re going through that.

Hey fellow DBTer! That shit has changed and probably saved my life. I probably would’ve spent Christmas in the hospital if not for it. I’m all “FEELINGS!” and my therapist has a skill every single time. It’s so comforting. Glad it’s helping you too. :)

Lol, right? They put a $1000 reward on it!

It’s even more disturbing when you know the abuse she’s faced at the hands of her husband, probably going on at the same time this happened.

Steven Seagal is the worst. I went back and actually watched his lawman show where he pretends to be a cop and he is about one of the most insufferable pretenders I have ever experienced. It’s good for a laugh though, if you could get over the fact that this man “worked” for and perpetuated Arpaio’s bullshit.

Because he’s likable? That’s about all I can imagine. As a poc it’s hard to see what he did as the good old rowdy fun people get into when they’re teens. A bar fight, ok. But attacking someone based on their race and permanently disfiguring them, maybe if he showed more remorse I could believe he’s been rehabbed.

I’m an American and still lost. Thank you. I kept wondering if this was somehow an Onion article.

Uhhh.....and how many “mistakes” has Talese committed? It’s so obvious who has fucked up shit haunting them because they become almost incapable of judging other’s fucked up indiscretions. 

Sad that every woman has a story like this! I can think back to “fucked up shit said to me when I was 14 I didn’t realize at the time” too. I had a golfing couch tell me he wish he could marry me and that I was the perfect girl but it’s even sadder when I look back on it as an adult and realize it was because I was

Yes! I knew this day would come. I’m here for all of it. Rand’s been extra mum on what lead up to him getting the shit beat out of him which suggests to me that he was, in some way, being a complete asshole to this dude.

Sad how the majority of responses are people absolutely not getting what the big deal is :/

Yes, but the overwhelming majority of men show much more of an obsession with their libidinal feelings. This is an anecdote, but one I seem to be sharing with all of the women that are responding to you. When you have existed in a universe where you are acutely aware that men are shallow and obsessed with women it can

It means what it’s always meant, the elite are a class of their own and they’ll abuse those without power (or allow them to be abused) no matter what party they subscribe to.

On the one hand I can personally understand what Allen is saying. On my best days I feel pity for my molester. He lives a very, very sad life of being a predator unable of looking at a child without wanting to hurt them but it’s like, come on Allen, how tone deaf can you be? You’re surprised people that think you’re a

I love hearing your perspective like I love hearing the perspective of these women in these stories.

Yuck on yuck on yuck. Hearing his words are a perfect indictment on this man’s character. They tried to make it seem like this was the person Obama was. He wasn’t perfect but at least the man wouldn’t be caught dead talking about or treating women this way.

That’s such the classical mo of an abuser, I’ve seen it first hand. Once caught or forced to accept they “need help” they devolve into self-pity and victim hood instead of showing an ounce of remorse for the real victims and how it’s unacceptable. If this dude really sexually harassed or raped non-consenting women he

I think the story she told on the show was that her mother loved a stage play so much she named her after it. Can’t remember the name of the play though.

I actually somewhat liked Jedidiah. They need to decide what they want. McCain is like when they hired Raven Symone, they wanted someone young and controversial. Jedidiah and Nicolle Wallace are actual ideologues with Republican party experience.