
I wish America could react this way. Our President (a madman) has gotten into a screaming match with another madman, convinced he can argue him down. And frankly, I’m not sure Trump is the most sane in the match up. I don’t remember this during the Obama administration. North Korea likes this. It only makes them look

He was actually the only one in that white house I kind of liked. I used to watch his press briefings everyday or whenever they were on (when that was still a thing) and his relationship with the press was sometimes contentious but actually kind of endearing to watch. The worst moment of it, though, was definitely

I grew up with a cat that was declawed (which is awful) so I was worried about this too. I found the claws on my boyfriend’s cats to be pretty easy to avoid actually, though you do get scratched sometimes. They seem to somehow know not to scratch you intentionally.  

It’s like privileged white men keep insisting their story and perspectives are the only ones worth telling and it’s like, no, actually we get it and we kinda wanna hear more about these people now and they literally don’t get it.

How is this an exclusively white person problem? It’s not like they’re saying it’s the worst problem ever.

My black family is matriarchal, I don’t know how common that is.

True but even with my first world poor problems it would be very painful to give it back and I would be desperately wondering if maybe they planned to give it to me after all. I could see a lot of emotion involved no matter cognitive understanding. Even for adults.

Can you cite this? I can’t find anything on it.

Thank you. I wanted to articulate it but get so tired of reading the comments on race articles on Jezebel. Like for no reason? The article articulates every single reason. You can disagree with those reasons but that doesn’t nullify them. I’m so tired of black people being reflexively .invalidated especially by

The Deray interview redeemed her a little for me but she was just so clearly self congratulatory for her minor amount of awareness that it was like girl, really? When she was saying how she reads a swathe of magazines/newspapers LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, she acted like she had really discovered the act of learning. All I

This is what I thought. They both sound like potential victims but the producers were definitely in the wrong because they presumably weren’t blackout drunk and did nothing to stop it. Although from the article it does not seem like they are blaming DeMario, just that they are obviously more worried about protecting

Lol, this thread is the best.

The CK special was funny in some parts but I found it to be mostly just sad. It seems like he’s gone from genuinely holding /making controversial statements to literally sitting down and thinking, OK, what’s something that’s provocative? There’s a whole long thing about abortion that’s presented as being provocative

Thank you so much. I’m reading through this thread and the faux-reasonableness is ruining it. It just clutters up the thread. Why do people insist on coming here for this nonsense? It’s not actually to listen and learn answers to the questions they ask. They are willfully ignorant, specifically asking the most shallow

This dude looks like a different person in every picture I see of him.

I’m obsessed with depictions of therapists on tv and in movies but I’m not so excited for this one. This sounds like that terrible Hugh Laurie Hulu show that I watched all of but with a woman. I like my therapist shows boring and realistic.

For now, it’s like this is Michigan too.

My diagnoses look very, very similar to the authors, down to the mild agoraphobia, bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse (though I’m five weeks sober, yay!) and it’s been hard enough to secure psychiatric medicines and I have two insurances right now. One will be removed in August so I will only have medicaid. I am

Yaaasss! It’s more than jumped the shark, they’re all murderers and traiters at this point. I only keep watching because It’s a show I’ve stayed caught up on. And I’ve never liked Huck!

She was amazing in Penny Dreadful!