
So what, he’ll go to the next town over and get hired there. Charge them, arrest them, and try them before a jury of people who didn’t hire them to do exactly what they did.

I’m handing the award for this one to K-Pop, they deserve it. Trump seems to always escape getting hit in the wallet, so they hit him in the ego, and it hurt.

Yeah when we can change that to “arrested, charged, convicted, found guilty and sentenced to life in prison”, then that’ll be a step forward.

I honestly cannot imagine being so vain that I hear a song playing and think “This is specifically about me.”

I’m fairly certain they don’t care about anything they can’t shiplap.

I don’t think anyone that says they have such anxiety issues that they can’t even accept a McDonald’s breakfast in the drive through should not be allowed to carry a gun, taser, or possibly a sharpened pencil.

Sirius/Remus is a very popular ship on the internet. Lots of fanfics were suddenly alternate-universe when she dropped the Tonks bomb.

It’s just like “bro wipes” and “bro yogurt” and all that other crap that I didn’t believe men were gullible enough to throw money at for the sake of their man card.

When my sibling and I were young, my mother actually used that movie to illustrate 1) blackface is bad, and 2) old movies are a (occasionally very cringey) product of their time.

I would kill for a decent Chinese place in my area, though I do love my local Japanese restaurant for its pitch perfect gyudon. Their supply chain hasn’t had it for a while so I ordered eel and avocado rolls instead. Hope it’s back soon.

I switched because the Kroger I usually go to kept changing their opening hours without warning. First it was 6 am, so I’d go at 6, and they’d be closed with a sign that said they’d be open at 8. So next week I’d go at 8, and they’d be closed with a sign that said they’d be open at 10. At 8 other stores are open, so I

I really wish it had said “women are not inherently good OR inherently bad choices” instead.

This is what I was thinking - I picked up a mild case of strep throat this last weekend and I wanted to put a sign outside the door asking the delivery person to ring and drop off the food for THEIR health. (I ended up making sad tuna casserole instead.)

Will she be forced to dye her hair blond first, or do they need one token brunette?

Brings to mind Channing Tatum and Gambit and hopefully ends the same way.

I mean I hate to be a dick but

Counterpoint: jumping puzzles suck for those of us with not-great to bad 3D depth perception and should not be used for necessary anything and definitely never while timed.

I have two adorable kittens if that poor young man needs some company as he grieves. >.>

If you were to write a book, I would buy and read it. Wow.

The backseat of a Volkswagen?