
This is a big no from me. I don’t find him the least bit attractive and he ruined Green Hornet.

I would need ankles half the size of mine to wear them (thanks genetics) but they’re great and they match a pair of wrist cuffs I own, so I would.

Any time the word “sin” appears I know that person is not worth listening to. We need to pry the church out of our government.

I can only speak for myself but I’d rather have the spider.

Hot take: Ben Affleck wasn’t actually a bad Bats, but the character/plot/entire script was written poorly and he just doesn’t have the stamina for it like, for instance, Hugh Jackman did for Wolverine.

It seems like every time I think James cannot go lower in her horrible writing, she breaks through another floor.

I was hoping for Woola from the John Carter movie, though I understand if nobody but me has seen it. Woola is a good dog-creature.

Your delivery, my dude.

She really knows how to make you feel it, too. I bawl like a baby every time I read Assassin’s Apprentice.

Yeah, it’s really funny how “networking” came out halfway through my life with people beside themselves about how we weren’t doing it the entire time. It’s the only way to get a job nowadays.

I hope that every day there is a fresh, shiny new Lego sitting in front of her bedroom door.

There was a fun zombie game when I was a kid called Monster Bash where the main character would eventually shoot his slingshot at the screen, leaving a hole in the “glass”.

He can’t even remember what he tweeted 10 minutes ago.

I expected the “getting up” montage, which I loved, but her flip of the final battle trope was good, too. I related really deeply to Carol from her innate stubbornness to having to deal with the military’s shit. It was annoying that the character as written demanded that Brie Larson be mostly stoic for this movie, but

Due to obvious transportation problems, milk for the military is heavily dosed with various chemicals in order to make it safe to store at room temperature. We had just gotten fresh replenishment after long enough without it that even the Captain of the boat was eating hot dogs with peanut butter sauce for dinner, if

Early Banner was great. The affable menace of his first meeting with Black Widow and his threat to Wanda - “I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade” were perfect. Being Hulk for those years in Ragnarok changed him in a bad way.

It’s getting harder and harder to avoid spoilers, definitely. I ran into a GoT spoiler (luckily, a small one) on a Dresden Files subreddit and I’m still trying to figure out how it connected.

The thing is that young women are socially expected to know about clothes, so they are forced to go looking for the information. Then a young man sees the end result and somehow believes that she “magically understands” it.

I guess this would be a little too comical for GoT...

It’s really entertaining to see how many of his minions are as cowardly as Trump - the amount of “I don’t want to tell him, you tell him” is staggering.