
I am with you on Kit Harington and Jason Momoa, but Chris Evans has a beautiful face that does not need fur on it, thank you. I will die on that hill gladly.

I know that this is unlikely to really change anything unless Cadet Bonespurs strokes out over it, but I still want it released.

I googled the crap out of it and found other people who had had the same problem and said that it stopped once they found a toothpaste that didn’t advertise whitening. I tried it and it’s worked for me too, so I’m all for getting it out there.

For me it’s getting hard to find toothpaste that doesn’t have whitening agents. It eats the inside of my cheeks. Nothing like picking paper-thin shreds of flesh from inside your mouth.

I made the same amount (amusingly, as I supposedly got a raise!) and paid the same amount between this year and last year. I expected worse, but I knew I wasn’t going to get any better.

I would much rather people be taught to make their handwriting at all legible than focus on a specific kind of handwriting.

Elevator > hallway.

I scour Poshmark for these all the time. They are a delight to wear and thanks to the chunky heel, you’re unlikely to kill yourself while doing so!

In the voiceover at the end of the movie he mentions getting Pepper “sorted”, just before he also handwaves away his chest-installed arc reactor. It’s incredibly forgettable.

It would have been awesome to keep Fireflower Pepper.

Those signs are infuriating! “I regret my abortion” but you had the option to get one didn’t you!

Amazon for some reason flags white noise machines as related to pregnancy. I was going crazy trying to remove formula and onesies from my “curated for you!” lists after that search.

That’s a strange world you live in, where the only fashion options are “Rainbow Brite” or “25 year old sex kitten”.

Ugh, this explains why my Pinterest feed is suddenly crawling with baby items. Read too many articles about abortion, I guess.

It’s nice to see the times when someone asked, “Can he do that?” and the answer given was a flat “no”.

I’m pretty sure she is the stage between Tanagain Laffitaffi and Ann Coulter, actually.

AFAIK, Hulk is owned by Universal. He can appear in everyone else’s movies, but MCU can’t do a Hulk movie.

...well I would not be sleeping in that room. I thought for sure it was some kind of Clippy type object from the video software but I think it might be a... something, that is physically in the room. It has a shadow.

I’m sorry but you can’t call it a Brunchable unless it’s got a mimosa included.

So the story that he’d prerecorded a bunch of cameos was a lie? That really sucks.