This is honestly really depressing, especially trying to put the blame on the model. What?
This is honestly really depressing, especially trying to put the blame on the model. What?
100 Grand and Whatchamacallit are two of the most delicious and rare candy bars. I can’t reliably find them anywhere (brick and mortar; I’m sure they’re readily available on Amazon).
You are among friends, my dude.
I used to wonder that about Rihanna before I read that it was her false eyelashes. Tiff’s definitely wearing them in that photo so they may be way too heavy for her.
I’m really sad that all I could find was “vintage YSL shirtdress” because that first one is everything I want in a piece of clothing.
I went to see Deadpool with my dad. I spent the sex montage wincing.
Just the trope flip of the “let’s settle this with fisticuffs!” fight at the end made this better than Wonder Woman for me. Brie Larson was handicapped by the Kree’s insistence that emotions R bad for way too long, but I felt her cockiness and dry banter with Fury more than hinted at her true personality.
With the exception of Root, weren’t they all generally called by their last names?
When I was going to school on my GI bill, they “misplaced” me for the month of January. I just barely had enough money for rent and utilities. So for the entire month I ate tuna casserole: 1 bag of twisty pasta, 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, and one can of tuna. It makes about 2.5 meals depending on how hungry I am.…
They went there to protest women being given agency over their own bodies.
Brach’s jube jel cherry hearts! My dad used to buy a couple bags near V-day and then hide them in his bedroom. He would come out, look sideways at my sister and I, and throw us each a couple. It made them so special. Now I go out on the 15th and buy us both enough to last several months! They’re best when the bag has…
Brach’s jube jel cherry hearts! My dad used to buy a couple bags near V-day and then hide them in his bedroom. He…
It’s Tucson, not Tuscon.
Such a shame that they couldn’t think up a more “empowering” outfit for them like the female cheerleaders wear.
Or we could open the door for everyone like polite people, JFC.
He probably saw it on an episode of Criminal Minds or something and fixated on it.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised that Tennessee is red, but come the fuck on Tennessee.
Separate checks. That way nobody can cry about who ordered what and men can’t pull the “BUT BUT BUT I BOUGHT YOU DINNER?!”
So can he cut his hair now?
As a former military member who got a visit from one of those important elected people once, I’d like to just mention that we are told to cheer/applaud when the person speaking pauses for it. They probably weren’t even listening to the language masquerading as English dribbling out of his anus-mouth.