Thank you! I have no interest in getting knocked up, sure, but I’m in it for the four-a-year periods that I don’t even throw up the first day of!
Thank you! I have no interest in getting knocked up, sure, but I’m in it for the four-a-year periods that I don’t even throw up the first day of!
Plus for the lady mentioned in the article, CPS was going to take her children if she had brought charges. That’s not a choice I could make easily and I don’t even have any.
This actually happened to me (and seven other people) last year on this same interstate - a truck lost a cinderblock and took out 7 cars before the last one broke it into chunks that you could safely drive over. She lost two tires to do it, though. We hailed her as a hero while we waited for the tow trucks.
Let me tell you about the time I was stationed on a carrier that our CO was served “hot dogs with peanut butter sauce” when we had too many days between at-sea replenishment... I don’t even remember what us peons were subsisting on because I was eating my secret Easy Mac rations.
That Bellevue one is in the worst possible spot, too. CFA (and Trader Joe’s!) seem to enjoy picking terrible locations, but Bellevue has so far taken the cake for me out of 6 states. The parking lot is the size of a postage stamp, and when I was there they had security guards in the lot of the hotel next door so that…
I have really bad circulation in my legs that makes them go numb very easily, such as when I crouch or sit cross legged, and my shins are very tender all the time. If my cat jumps on them (which he does) then it’s a sharp, constant pain until I move him off, and then it continues to hurt for several minutes afterward.…
I like to tell people that I am an honourary Canadian when they call me out on apologising too much.
I knew there had to be other people who loved Nate Gray. I heard just today on one of the comic book sites that they’re bringing him back and got really excited. Bring on more X-Man!
Chambord also works great with pomegranate juice. I chuck it in with vodka to make what might be termed a pom martini.
The trip was forced on her. She was going to be outed, so she stepped forward before they could publish.
Oh cripes, this happened to me when I was really young and I never said a word about it to anyone. I didn’t even really understand any of what he was saying but I knew it was bad and I was horribly, horribly ashamed for some reason. I would never have guessed that it was a common thing back then!
I’ve been waiting for this since I was a teenager watching this show while doing my homework and still can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet. All I can think of is that the heavy “futuristic” neon thing in Beyond reminds someone too much of the Batman Forever/Batman and Robin movies.
As someone who uses the Book of Faces for work, fucking thanks Zuckerberg.
Finally, some science! I’ve got 6 guy “friends” who don’t believe me and/or just say “Well why don’t you wear men’s pants?” (because they are not made for this booty/hips, friendo) that I can link this to.
My mother is a retired physical therapist and she still wears hers everywhere. They are incredibly comfortable and have literally all the pockets ever. The only clothing I have found to be more comfortable is flight suits.
When it’s furry.
Barefoot in NY sounds like some sort of punishment.
I’m just now playing through Legion and good lord, the Illidan circlejerk is so cringeworthy. POOR MISUNDERSTOOD ILLIDAN, HE WAS RIGHT THE WHOOOOLE TIME. Ughhhh.
Did we watch the same first trailer? Because the face looked like a mid-grade silicone mask then, and it looks only slightly better in motion in this one.
I am so going to check Stonetalon out when I get off work, thanks.