
I love Disraeli Gears, but damn someone should have hidden the wah pedal from Clapton at a certain point in the recording process.

Well, if you stay with us you're gonna be pretty Kooky too..

Agreed by a long shot. I did sit down and listen to the Smile recordings when they were released a few years back. My reaction was "Yes, this does sound like it was put together by a man in a sandpit in his living room making everyone wear firemen's hats"

The answer which should be Hunky Dory, with Ziggy Stardust as a close second.

I have a deep seated dislike for the Beach Boys. I'm not quite sure when it was planted in my musical consciousness, but its there nonetheless. So, its a no-contest for me. I admire Brian Wilson's abilities and song craft but the Lettermen-like harmonies plus Phil Spector influenced production values just grate on

But it does make me wonder, if she was responsible for some of the content, why didn't Lennon push for her to get credit from the get go?

Ah..Don't start me talking
I could talk all night..

The BASS LINE! And their voices just balance each other like heavenly hosts.

I've been re-listening to "Post Pop Depression", so I will have to check out that Iggy collaboration. Iggy, Bowie and Lou Reed were and are my main musical icons throughout my life. When Iggy joins the other two in the afterlife, I'm going into a extended period of mourning.

In a day full of bad news, this makes me happy.

Danes must have no sense of rhythm. Or a good sense of irony.

Backpfeifengesicht. Its the German word that just says it all.

No no no. Do not take one of my favorite childhood books and do this. Just no

It also perpetuates the "John Lennon was a saint" myth, which considering that he was a right son of a bitch is highly inaccurate.

Yes, I was once accused of "yoko onoing" a band that imploded. Yes, that's what the misogynistic jerk told people when people asked what happened to the band, because I quit over the nasty comments he said to me,

No that was David Bowie's wife.

You mentioned one of my favorite AbFab episodes, "Donkey". That whole scene between Anita and Marianne Faithful still cracks me up. Anita Pallenberg was a force of nature, and in a way its a shame she's remember mostly for being Richard's partner than for her own accomplishments.

I'm convinced that he did die years ago, but no one has told him otherwise, so he keeps moving along like nothing ever happened.

I love biking but living in the Santa Cruz Mtns, unless you have seriously strong legs its impossible. Also a decent amount of the bicyclists here are assholes that think almost plowing down pedestrians on a foot bridge is OK, and that if you aren't a "serious" cyclist, you shouldn't bother getting on a bike.

We went and saw Robyn Hitchcock at a very small club in Felton, CA. The show was wonderful and he was brilliant and quirky as every, producing music that still makes me glad there are artists like him on this planet.