
We've been eating Gamera!

I believe that was my initial reaction as well.

Alas no. But it did have some really cool Ray Harryhausen skeletons and the bronze giant, Talos,which honestly, make it all worth sitting through the rest of the film. Oh and the harpies.

*sneaks album back into ETLs mailbox in the middle of the night*

Oh just watch Jason and The Argonauts some time. There are some lovely ahem men in basically underwear scenes that are classics! We're Men! In our Underwear! Building Ships!

Neither my spouse or my daughter liked the film. However, due to the wonders of genetics, I did produce a son that loves this movie as much as I do. Because…

"The Good Times are Killing Me" is pretty much part of my childhood in a nutshell. I love Lynda Barry

I'm a bigger fan of the English version. Which people find odd. I actually got to go to American AR when it was in San Jose. Found out my Tante Lisa had very expensive tastes in art deco style rings.

OMG. The Residents. I took my 20 year daughter to the Talking Light Tour. She told me afterwards I'd be responsible for many years of therapy.

Take them to this. Believe me, they'll be plenty of people to explain Zappa:

I for one love them. Which is hard to explain to anyone when Kollapse is playing on my car stereo.

There used to be this Korean Show on Sat nights in the Bay Area called "Happy Together". One part was this odd karaoke contest, where if the person got the lyrics or tune wrong, a big metal tray would come down and hit them in the head. It was weirdly entertaining, and if we were home Sat night, would never miss it.

After seeing Atomic Blonde, I'm full blown into 80s music this week. Just did an evening going back and listening to Falco and Peter Schilling.

Thank you so much. I now have a couple of earworms that I will spend the rest of the day trying to shake out of my brain.

I'm waiting for him to blame the Jews for Kristalnacht.

Is Cake still giving away trees at their concerts?

I went to Outside Lands in SF. It was foggy, cold but the music was amazing. Highlights for me were Gorillaz, Cage the Elephant, Royal Blood, Sleigh Bells, San Fermin, Temples, Sam Dew and Kali Uchis. On the flip side or"we are starting to sound like a bad cover band version of ourselves": The Who and Metallica

Thank you Millennials for having decent taste in food.

Yes—it was her voice. That I can confirm as true!

The whole damn Eloise series is wonderful. My grandmother, who worked at the Plaza for a few years, would take me there on her days off to see the place where Eloise lived.