
As did some music fans for the same reasons. Being female and safe at a concert venue didn't mean I'd suddenly want to disregard my love of punk and alternative and sit through what I felt at the time was navel gazing folk / singer song writer performances. All power to those who loved it at the time, but it wasn't

And I bet he eats flies and spiders.

I have to agree here. I'm not the only woman of my generation that avoided the Lilith Fair due to its preponderance of acts that were the spiritual children of Joni Mitchell. The name still brings up strong associations with the folk acts that played Lilith back in the day. Why re-heat a souffle? Start your own

My sister is not usually into films that contain violence, so when we watched Grosse Point Blank, it was with a bit of trepidation. At the end, she turned to me and said—"That was the funniest violent film I've ever enjoyed". Its still my favorite Cusack film.

Which is the issue with bringing most of King's books to movie or TV formats. So much of King's writing is cerebral dialogue; its one of the reasons I think the Shining was so difficult to bring to film.

I love the song "Wichita Lineman", and I'm old enough to remember his TV show and that Cash clip. He made big contributions in just his session work and he deserves the praise he earns as guitarist. RIP

Damn—may the afterlife provide an air conditioned Godzilla suite for him to stomp out many mini-pagodas to his hearts delight.

The lunch counter at Woolworth. Forgot about that..

I was the only woman in the class and I believe the rest of group were concerned about being "called out" by the instructor or their fellow classmates. And while I hate to the think the worst of people, some of them probably felt that I shouldn't have been there either.

Twenty years ago I went to a Borland conference to receive additional training in C+ to develop a genetics tracking program for the agricultural business I was employed with. Around this time, Borland had acquired WordPerfect.

I currently have a pair of Rovking running headphones I like. They don't seem to slip out when I run and the sound quality seems to be good.

I've actually met women who thrive in a Mad Men type environment. And yes, they make me extremely angry because they make it fucking hard for the rest of us women in the workplace and society at large.

Fox News: Where our sexual harassment employee training actual teaches you to sexually harass!

Ok fine. Now can someone explain how Ruffles potato chips got THEIR ridges for me?

Same with the Bay Area of CA

I love Lemmy, worship Bowie, but I had serious trepidation about this cover. But this was wonderful. God I miss both of them.

I have to pick up some of that Lagunitas this weekend, but I'm going to be honest. Since spending two weeks in Germany and a week in Bayern hitting as many brewery types as we could, the beers stateside taste a bit weak.

As a security person, you can build every damn security process and all it takes is one lazy or doesn't give a shit employee to mess up and the trojan horse is gleefully riding into the gates of Troy.

I have a fondness for these type of cookbooks (I have a few from my former Lutheran church that my mom and sister contributed receipes to), and I love the older one's, which are little culinary time capsules!

Like Pairesta, I have a bookcase full of cookbooks and a small shelf in my kitchen, so there's alot to choose from. However, the first thing I'd grab would be a spiral bound notebook set that were my mom and family recipes, which one of these days I'll self publish for my younger relatives. Second is a toss up