
Well, I guess Delta's new call to the right is that they "are ready when you are" to get offended by things that shake their world view.

I loved Batman growing up. Flash back to 1969, when I was seven and my very progressive mom let me go as Batman for Halloween. Not Batgirl, Batman. The big argument in my peer group at the time was who was better Batman or Green Hornet. Green Hornet had Bruce Lee, but it was always Batman, hands down. Thanks,

I was just thinking about that episode. Loved "Back to the Past"

I've been grooving to the new DFA 1979 single "Freeze Me". Which has sent me back to their catalog and the joy that the world can support a drum and bass duo.

That must have been phenomenal live. Though, after meeting Buddy Rich after a performance in the early 1980s, I have to say he was not a nice person.

Another two I would add to the list. The Bill Evans Trio with Scott La Faro. I listen to those Village Vanguard pieces and LaFaro's bass playing gives me goosebumps. And John Coltrane.

The Halloween shows in NYC were legendary.

You can still see Ian Hunter (he's actually going to be or is touring now). I highly recommend it. I've seen him twice at the SF Fillmore and he still does a solid show. I would have loved to see Mick Ronson play though, either as part of Hoople or The Spiders from Mars.

I'd would love to get in the Waybac machine and see the Talking Heads and god yes, the Clash. I had the opportunity to see both during their careers and the stars did not align. I would also have loved to see Booker T and the MGs at Monterey Pop backing Otis Redding.

See, you gut the American school system for decades and this is what happens. Oh that and Betty DeVos. Somewhere in the great beyond, George Orwell is shouting "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FICTION, YOU TWATS"

I ran into this phenomenon on my first visit to Germany. I was 17 at the time and some fellow German teenagers were grilling us about American life. To them it was either the gangsters of NYC or Chicago or "the Wild West" as far as American culture was concerned.

If you grew up in NJ, extremely easy. My dad used to joke that I had "sweet blood" because I could never go out on a summers day without getting bit at least once.

Seems like a lot of effort for what we used to achieve with a shit tonne of Dippity Do and Aqua Net back in the day. I am really surprised I still have hair left from the abuse of 30 some odd years ago;

A bit bummed about Laguinitas. I remember when their brewery was a small town affair—small front office and the beer sanctuary bar. We actually got to do the tour when Hop Stoopid just got released and got some of the first bottles.

The Grapefruit Sculpin is good. A really nice beer for a hot summer day.

True fact. There's a brief movie shot of my husband in Baby Snakes. Its his claim to fame as a huge Zappa fan.

I would have loved to see Lawrence of Arabia in the theater in its original release. I've still never seen it on a movie screen and still wonder what it must have looked like first in a huge theater release without the cultural knowledge of the film.

My son loved these books as a kid, and they were part of the bedtime reading ritual. I enjoyed them as much as he did, "bathroom humor" and all. As adults, we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget that fart jokes can be really, really funny. I'm happy to hear that the movie adaptation hasn't forgotten that.

Thank god, you didn't say "Seinfeld". From the depths of the bass clef, this fellow bass player salutes you..

Especially those Silicon Valley ones—making us a damn nighttime commuter town. >:( No wonder the Google Bus has tinted glass.