
My son, who yes, works at Hot Topic, who has waist-length hair and tattoos, thanks you.

Abba is one of those groups that I can't stand but know all the words to their songs due to high visibility on pop radio in the 70s and a dorm mate in college who loved them, and not in an ironic sense. If I hear one of their songs, it sticks in my brain for the rest of the day. This is not going to help matters.

One time my son and his friends were talking about amazing concerts. He went to my T-shirt drawer and pulled out my concert tee from Lollapalooza '92. "See this? My parents got to see Pearl Jam and Soundgarden in one day". I had the pleasure of being able to take my son to see NIN and Soundgarden a few years ago,

Only if her name was Rebecca.

Agreed. This has sappy "chick flick" written all over it.

My son is not a fan of Italian pasta dishes, but make authentic Dan Dan noodles or cold sesame peanut noodles and he's eating it like its his last meal on earth. I never tried adding green tea to thin out the sauce, I'll have to give that a try next time.

He should have tried being female and into "geek" shit during the early 80s. I remember going to a sci-fi convention with my friend Julie, and being one of the few women, and I mean very few women there.

Actually, I just got corrected Thought it was Monks, but it was the Belgian Cafe. My daughter lives in the Fairmount neighborhood, so it was within walking distance. I've been to Eulogy as well.

I love John Le Carre, but that was the one book I struggled to get through for some reason.

I love sour beers and the Duchess is one of my go to's. One of the nicest afternoons I've ever spent was sitting at a small Belgian cafe in Philadelphia with my daughter, drinking The Duchess and eating Belgian style muscles.

Went to another vinyl sale on Friday and we've been listening to Weather Report and all sorts of other greatness. For Mother's Day, I received the book "Primus: Over the Electric Grapevine", which has been a highly enjoyable flashback to the music scene I encountered when I moved to the Bay Area in late 1980s.

Agreed. He looks like some old British upper class twit costumed up as a pirate for a fancy dress party.

But here we go again…(sigh)


Un Chien Andalou is on my short list. As a former film student, I had to watch it in class. When the Pixies did one of their last tours with Kim Deal, guess what was played before the band came on? My husband kept wondering why I averted my eyes to my Chuck Taylors until that infamous scene rolled it its completion.

Actually really good The dealer basically doesn't sell scratched or ill used stuff. And I'm more of a vinyl fan than CD or electronic downloaded music, if I'm listening at home.

We went to a 2 dollar vinyl sidewalk sale last Saturday and picked up 42 pieces of vinyl. I'm revisiting a many albums that I had taped off friends back in the day, but never owned, like Elton John's "Captain Fantastic.." and the Stone's "Beggar's Banquet". Its been a fun and enjoyable trip back to the better part

I love gin and I've made it at home. We used to have a local gin distillery called Sarticious, that's sadly now out of business. Gin is the quintessential hot weather drink.

I enjoyed this immensely. And I am quite excited about this summers tour!

My husband and I also "suffer" from last song syndrome aka the last song you hear when you exited your car at your destination gets stuck in your brain. Which is why I was humming "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio for most of my morning at work yesterday