A Nazi got one-punch-KOed over the weekend. Does that help?
A Nazi got one-punch-KOed over the weekend. Does that help?
Not trying to be flip, but what can you say when lynching paraphernalia is being spread around the United States…
Now that “I’m not racist” has become the new “God knows my heart,” perhaps we should stop referring to people as…
Please tell me you don’t own firearms.
I don’t recommend advocating opening fire on a crowded subway, which I’m sure wasn’t what you meant?
A 38-year-old man who allegedly sat on a woman’s thigh—then accused her of going on a “Kanye West” rant before…
Well, in case you had any doubt, or were curious as to what police officers make of citizens attempting to assert…
He might as well go twenty years back (sorry, not at all equivalent to Thomas Jefferson, etc.) since he’s accusing Tamblyn of being a liar when she’s pointing out something he did back then.
I’ll add because you’re so ridiculous: one was 20 years ago, the other is a fucking movie. Jeeze. You’ll do anything to defend a gross pig.
Also, Woods is a garbage person. Who cares if you heard that he was nice to people once? Are you dense?
She remembers at age 21 going to a producer about a stalker on set, and the response was that “there are two sides to every story.”
A 23-year-old white man was arrested Saturday for a possible connection to two random but linked slayings of…
Same shit as: “Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about black on black crime, but they’re pissed off at the cops?”
They’re not doing it because they want an answer, and showing them evidence of outreach programs or protests doesn’t help. All they want to do is wink and nod to their racist little friends. It’s extremely fucky…
I see this kind of thing all the time. People complaining that something doesn’t happen, but they’ve taken no time to look up whether that thing happens or not. So when you go over to Fox News you’ll see ‘why does no one in the Muslim community ever speak out against terrorists’...they speak out against terrorists all…
Former Sheriff “Stuck on Stupid” David Clarke continues to make news, but not for anything good.
St. Louis is not having it. For the second night in a row, protesters took to the streets in righteous anger over…
It’s a offshoot of Men’s Rights Activism (MRA) that think women are so eeeevil that men should abstain from them but at the same time they still want to fuck us.
Without pay. Suspended with extreme predjudice it sounds like.
If wypipo cared about POC as much as they cared about dogs...nah that would never happen. NVM