
Pffftttt. Ffffffffff.

Breadfan was spectacular too.

Martin Shkreli = nut pimple.

Is it me or does Joanie look HAF in that pick?

It's a damn shame Cartoon wasn't the big Soul Asylum hit.

Weak fart take broseph.

I wish this was pair skating with a nodding Courtney.

That is no costume … that's a way of life.

Darker = Dirty Sanchez

I think you're thinking of Superbad.

I think Man On Fire can replace anything on that list.

Mine is "Trailer of Tears".

Bob Zmuda is the best argument for abortion.

Every time I remember Jared from Subway, I get majorly creeped out.

Nice amps weaklings.

Meh x 2 = This Article.

Holy shitballs … Tom DeLonge talks like he sings!

You can call him Ron or you can call him Jon but NEVER call him Johnson.

zzzzZZZZZZ …. ppppfrt …. [wakes up then goes back to sleep] ….. zzzzzzzZZZZZ