
Locust Abortion Technician still slays like a motherfucker.

Ever hear of Nirvana?

This lacks Mountain Daredevils.

Don't tell me … they're alumni from Fuck Stick & Douche Nozzle University.

I can't wait until the lead singer of Slipnuts writes a book.

Leave Britney alone!

The Mailman certainly won't be delivering anything to this Limo Wreck.

I bet that dude gets BIZ-ZAY.

[Snarl] "Acting like a robot."

This munch needs to quit noodling and get back to hocking the overstocked Dean Evo XMs.

[Wafts fart's aroma towards nostrils with two opened palms]

That tour was a monster: Social D, SY & Crazy Horse. I head the pleasure of getting kicked of out of the third row by Kim Gordon and her cronies.

Trans fucking rocks.

Needs more Donkey Sauce!

<sarcasm> Looks like the most radical casting choice was having an African American play a police officer. </sarcasm>

I bet there's not even one fart joke in the series.

If the movie was set in Louisville absolutely, but I was going 4 an ATX vibe.

Too bad this movie isn't about Scratch Acid.

If anyone deserves a 21 TARKUS salute it's Greg Lake.
