Unsolicited Cat Pics

I’m sure that Gaetz only joined Twitch to do “research” on the alleged predator problem to further his planned, extensive, hands-on field investigations.

This has to be the slowest sex abuse investigation in history. By the time Gaetz is indicted, his victims will be middle-aged housewives.

I’m joining @Twitch to bring my America First message to a new generation of viewers!

How are you still alive?

He sounded like he was texting the last existing woman on the planet after a zombie apocalypse. Like he needed to make sure he was fucking a woman who hadn’t been bitten yet and they needed to repopulate the world ASAP.

So why did the FDA bring it up? Furthermore, why did the agency refer to it as a “recent” challenge?

I would’ve given away my fortune if I were Bezos so those texts never saw the light of day. He should’ve just sent a screenshot of the ATM machine with his balance. 

Indeed. The most unbelievable part of this is that he wasn’t *ALREADY* on Twitch. But then, maybe he was and this is just his *public* account. Plausible deniability and all that.

No one was talking about Benadryl Meatballs until I started a band called Benadryl Meatballs.

why are kids even allowed to stream on twitch in the first place? 

This seems scary, I will stick with dayquill chicken.

Does this mean OTC cough and flu medicine in the future is going to have a warning label telling morons to not cook their food in it? Every day we inch closer to idiocracy.

This whole debacle is making the chessworld look really petty and immature

People who don’t leash their dogs are the worst.

This tracks, since filing a lawsuit is the ultimate “Let me speak with the manager.”

“Defendants’ repeated condemnations of racism, moreover, did not ‘implicate [Plaintiff’s] race’ because—as the Second Circuit has squarely held— ‘‘[r]acism’ is not a race, and discrimination on the basis of alleged racism is not the same as discrimination on the basis of race,’” Abrams wrote.

I’m very glad she used a tactic that fat people like myself can and should use when dealing with medical fuckery - asking them to state outright that if their situation was (superficially) different, they’d give out that treatment. It forces them to put on the record their denial of service for a frivolous reason and

hollywood needs to give up trying to recreate Marilyn on screen, it’s undeniably impossible. then there’s the issue of telling her story, that’s always been a horrific failure as well. lightening struck, it’s gone, let’s just enjoy the luminous, funny, tender performances she left us.

Fuck, man, that’s my local hospital. Fuck that neurologist and fuck the hospital for calling others in the area to deny her further treatment.