Unsolicited Cat Pics

“If SHE got cheated on the rest of us really have no hope,”

She probably just wasnt enough of an Emo Girl(tm) for him.

Who would thought these two very talented, intelligent people wouldn’t have the emotional maturity for a long-term relationship?

I don’t know that anyone could have predicted this love journey might potentially end with her burning envelopes and posting Lemonade lyrics.

Pff. Why use the moon when you can have an island volcano base to do this sort of evil?

Pick up and start again with what remaining energy sources? Coal? Nope. We’ve completely gutted our surface deposits. What remains requires modern technology to reach and extract, modern technology that will not be able to produce, operate, or maintain. Oil? Same problem as coal. Natural gas? Same problem again.

I wonder if this will just give Earth a planetary ring

Do you want Snowpiercer? Because this is how we get Snowpiercer. 

Nothing like planning a mission for 2024 with a rocket that’s years away from actually flying.

It’s very cool stuff. I wonder if it will influence the “warm and wet” vs “cold and icy” debate about Mars’ early climate.

LOL as a girl who got around quite a bit in her youth as well, I am just so generally glad that cell phones weren’t a thing yet. I would undoubtedly have done so many unbelievably stupid things via being drunk, thinking I was in love, just to prove I could...the list of nonsense teenage thinking goes on and on. Some

One “explanation” that frequently gets trotted out is that the woman consented to sex, but was hoping it would lead to a relationship, and then cries rape when it doesn’t. I’m not sure that has ever actually happened, but in theory, this practice could protect against that.

Yeah, this is all very gross. If I had had a sexual encounter with someone I’d be hugely insulted if they asked this of me afterwards, and I wouldn’t do it. But that’s easy for me to say as a grown woman. These are college girls who don’t know any better. It’s completely dehumanizing, and on top of that, I don’t see

I’ve have to explain my resting bitch face to many people, my entire life. I don’t know if my neutral mouth is perhaps downturned? But now I think I’ll go with “resting Boston face.”

my god this woman is embarrassing. Imagine being this mean, unhappy and bitter. And why? Because Meghan said although she had half siblings, since they were older and raised separately, she felt like an only child? The horror! How defamatory! I really loathe people like her, who so badly want the attention they feel

This seems like a Streisand Effect type issue. The lawsuit has increased awarness of what was said about her, and because of the lawsuit, it makes what was said all the more believeable.

However I’ve come to feel about Harry and Meghan lately (they’re vainglorious and boring) I will 100% be on their side when it comes to the Markles.

“I didn’t expect that [Santos would] be standing there [in an aisle seat] trying to shake hands with every senator and the president of the United States...If he had any shame at all, he wouldn’t be there,” Romney said.”

There’s a Dominican sisterhood near me that offers retreats and space in their motherhouse for short term stays. I had worked with the sisters previously and took a tour of the spaces when my husband and I split up and I considered spending a weekend or two there in silence surrounded by older women to heal, even

316c—California Chiropractic Regulations—
(c) The commission of any act of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, or sexual relations by a licensee with a patient, client, customer or employee is unprofessional conduct and cause for disciplinary action. This conduct is substantially related to the qualifications, functions,