Unsolicited Cat Pics

That must be so infuriating for you! What a nightmare and good for you for keeping a close eye.


Sadly I sat here trying to figure out what the t*** was. Thank you for clearing that up. Also, that woman is a racist witch with a b.

Stars for Spore Drive. I too am hooked.

So much this! I was dating a frat guy in University and got along really well with the guys in the house (who shockingly and unusually lucky for me, weren’t generally creepy). Got approached to be “pledged” by their sister sorority (whatever the fuck that was) and was like, “nah but thanks. I don’t need to be screamed

When I was 18 my Dad’s best friend of 25 years tried to convince me to sleep with him when he was drunk one night. He was staying in the guest house and I knew he was loaded so I brought him a glass of water and a sandwich, trying to be helpful. I ran out and nothing actually happened but that guy literally used to

Mostly agreed but when you’re talking about French being on instructions in a mostly English speaking country I assume you mean Canada? If you mean Canada it’s not because it sounds exotic it’s because our country has 2 official languages and any product is required to have both. We have the Official Languages Act and

I think it depends on which country in Europe you’re talking about. My good friend recently married a girl from Belgium and she said part of the reason why she left and would never raise her child there is because of how openly racist even the “nice” people are.

OMG NO! I haven’t seen these. This is horrible. It actually makes me feel extremely sad for young Ivanka. Someone needed to jump in and save that little girl before she became what she did.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Public servants? Tax dollars paid for this shit!?

I can’t get over how young she looks in this picture. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to be married at 19 let alone into a situation like hers.

You took the words right out of my mouth. That is something out of an original Star Trek alien scene.

Ugh that skin care line. I caught the end once and he made it sound like he was going to help a woman who was trying to move on from an abusive relationship but the whole thing was how his wife’s creams would fix her face and life. It was so icky.

Whatever she has done to her poor face has certainly aged her a lot sadly.

I went bathing suit shopping with my 8 year old daughter who is quite tall for her age. She ended up picking out a boy’s surfing style swimsuit because she said she couldn’t sit cross legged on the beach and play in the girls ones without everyone seeing her lady bits. She wants to be girly but also to move! They need

I have to agree. I work for a local food bank that serves 3500 people per month on average. Infrastructure makes us able to function and serve the community. Cutting corners on the expenses of that would literally destroy us.

Now playing

There’s a super interesting Ted Talk on this topic if you’re interested.

I bet if there were laws in place guaranteeing women a year of paid maternity leave and job security being paid for by the government and employers, their deeply held moral beliefs would be mandating everyone get birth control.

Absolutely! Every time I see a something shared online like, “hey check out this kid!” even if it’s for something positive, funny or profound I just want to slap the shitty parents.