Unsolicited Cat Pics

Right!? It’s painful! And led me to say, “So ummm being potentially transgender is worst than dying?” I had to leave the office before I threw up from having to be part of this ridiculous conversation.

My not super bright co worker has refused her son’s pre K vaccinations because a local naturopathic doctor has been going around the local pre schools doing presentations with “very convincing evidence” that the pre K vaccines are causing more kids to become transgender. I. Shit. You. Not.

Former farm girl here. It is imperative that you lay down some blankets. Other than that it’s a great option for getting some without your parents finding out.

Boom. Your child is awesome. You must have swelled with pride. :)

My Boss is insisting on having our work Christmas party at his house this year, after work hours and unpaid. Invite also said “no kids” so we’re having to pay for a babysitter too. All are expected to attend. There had better be copious amounts of good food and wine because it’s costing me money to attend this thing.

That same thing happened to me too and a few other people I know. It’s a terrible unethical thing to do to people in my opinion.

I had an acquaintance from my kids’ school invite me to a wine and cheese thing at her house which she said was, “just some of us getting together to hang out.” Since I was new to the neighbourhood and hadn’t made many friends yet I was excited to be invited but when I got there is was one of those damned scentsy

I agree it’s totally predatory. When I was a stay at home Mom it was not stop attempts to recruit me into these sorts of scams. They really know how to play on the insecurities of women who are, “just a housewife” and make you feel like they’ll fill that hole from feeling like society sees you as lesser than a

I am so sorry you had to go through that and I’m wishing you strength wherever you are. And hugs.

I thought is was supposed to be parody about “those” types of dudebros. The guys in it always seemed pathetic but intentionally so.

I think it’s because many people find becoming parents shocking and lonely so they seek out any sense of community they can find. Sometimes they find it in unexpected and not always healthy places.

That movie was so freaking gross.

Who on earth still thinks it’s a good idea to bring their children around him!?

She hasn’t even spoken to her in 10 years! I’m embarrassed for her. It’s just pathetic and embarrassing.

I can’t say I blame her. If I looked like that, dick salad would also be my breakfast of choice.

This made me snort laugh.

100% agree.

Things like this really make a person appreciate what they have in life. HAHAHAHA! *sob*

I’m really happy to hear that Motherhood worked out so well for you. I run into a good deal of young Mothers in my line of work and I absolutely can’t stand the whole, “well your life is over now!” comments they get. I feel like those people are deliberately trying to make the woman feel even more alone and desperate

I read somewhere that sociopaths also gravitate towards those professions more than others jobs because they give them access and power over vulnerable people.