Unsolicited Cat Pics


If they had done the same to say, an elderly relative or a disabled 20 year old would the sentence have been more strict? This shows me that kids are still not considered autonomous individuals with human rights, they are their parents most prized accessory. These people treated their child worse than decent people

I lived in Korea for a while and traveled throughout most of Asia. I can tell you from the pampered Canadian girl perspective the women in Asia (totally generalizing I know) are completely bad ass and tough as nails. The perspective that most North Americans have of them as meek is totally wrong.

I feel like her charm and talent might be better used as an international advocate for women’s rights? She comes across as super smart, interesting and entertaining. Just not that funny.

You kick ass.

Yes! You’d think the natural reaction when a guy that age wants to sit right next to a girl that age despite other seats being available would be hells no we’re moving her.

Horrifying! That poor girl. Where were the other passengers I wonder? If I saw that going down there would be a mid air violence and I can’t imagine anyone else feeling differently.

Just a quick correction for you as someone who lives and has kids in Canada. Yes we do get maternity leave but in most provinces there are no enforced laws to protect your job when you return if you aren’t in a union. No, they can’t fire you for being pregnant technically and have to pay out a percentage of your wage

I hear it had something to do with when Jeffs went to prison. The community isn’t allowed to do a bunch of things until he returns.

Yeah, personally if my husband aka baby daddy ever left or died I’d never let another man in my house until my kids were grown. I mean I’ve got 3 little girls. I feel like no normal dude wants to take that on for entirely wholesome reasons!

Is it that nobody wants to believe how prevalent this is? These statistics never really hit home for me until I had 3 daughters and my oldest is in grade 1. Her 7 year old classmate was sexually assaulted on the playground by a 12 year old boy and the school’s general reaction was, “well we stopped it before it went

Yeah, it was a small town. He did a really good job of making sure my friends and I avoided organized sports after that. But I did discover a love for kayaking. I don’t get offended if otters and seals swim up to stare at my tits. :)

Saying it was an accident makes no sense to me just judging by how it was handled after the fact. If it was really an accident wouldn’t everyone around her be like, “Omg! Are you okay!? Let’s get you some ice and call your parents right away!” Wouldn’t the parents of the kids who were there be contacting her family to

My 8th grade male gym teacher used to stand there silently while the boys picked teams saying things like, “Hahaha! Okay guys whose tits do you think will bounce the most!?” Apparently looking the other way like that is still quite common in schools. There’s a lot of “education” about it but few concrete efforts to

Agreed! Maybe it makes me a cold bitch but if my husband nearly died of a drug overdose in a brothel the only contact he would have with me afterwards would be from somebody delivering the divorce papers.

I’m starting to think it’s because a lot of his supporters actually aren’t that upset by this happening to the particular group that was targeted.

Beat me to it! Well done.

My husband had to change out baby’s diaper when he was out for lunch with her once. There was no family bathroom and the ladies room was the only one with a place to change her. An older lady walked in and saw him and the baby and she STILL flipped out like he was using a baby with a dirty diaper as an excuse to be a

Omg really!?

That point exactly is what drives me nuts too. And if you hate abortion so much then why not push to have all birth control be free and readily available at the very least!