Unsolicited Cat Pics

I thought exactly the same thing when I read that. That’s a pretty intense conversation to forget.

I remember in an interview once she said he tried to strangle her to death in front of their young children. Everyone praised her on her loyalty for staying by him. I wanted to barf. No wonder why most of their kids were in rehab before they even reached adulthood.

It’s like a job description for total psychopaths!

The pregnancy crisis center run by church ladies in my town in rural BC Canada at least puts women on a wait list after the pregnant woman calls them for help on her own after she’s already decided to keep the baby. I’m pretty sure legally they wouldn’t be allowed to do anything else. They don’t even see the women

Having your child under the care of a bunch of adults you don’t know and can’t supervise for months on end. What possibly could go wrong?

Totally stealing “The Death Star of Stupid.” Fantastic.

Yes! I think it also starts with men neither expecting or accepting hero cookies for doing the things that women are already expected to do. Every time I hear another woman gushing about how “lucky” I am because my “super amazing” husband actually puts in his equal share of the child care and housework I politely shut

Agreed. Many of them can be taught. It’s just that they never thought to look at the perspectives of women because nobody ever mentioned they should. I know a lot of great men who would never dream of offending a woman, especially a co worker and they would consider themselves champions of equality. But even then they

I swear my husband man cried during the opening credits.

Thank you. I don’t cry at important stuff. I just sort of have an out of body experience where the pain overtakes me and I shut down. But when I have an especially frustrating day with my kids or husband I cry. It makes me worry that I’m broken in some way.

I was 8 months pregnant and I ordered a large cappuccino. The 20 year old waitress was like, “Are you SURE you want the LARGE?” I was polite but I wanted to be like, “Bitch this is my 3rd healthy awesome child now give me the damned coffee!”

Solidarity! I had a half a glass of wine with some spaghetti dinner when I was 6 months pregnant. A sanctimonious frenemy saw me and started telling everyone, “I can’t believe she is DRINKING while she is PREGNANT!” Both our kids are 6 years old now and guess which one doesn’t have any developmental delays.

This is actually factually inaccurate. I’m not trying to sound like a jerk but it just is. Someone who has a glass of wine now and then while pregnant are definitely not the same people who are getting drunk during their pregnancies. There have been several studies showing this. As well as many cultures who don’t

When I was pregnant with my first baby I was living in a small town in South Korea and my doctor told me to have a glass of fruit wine every night before I went to sleep to help relax me and cope with the heartburn. The North American, “OMG did you see her take a sip of that beer!?!?” is something a lot of other

My small town in western Canada has signs clearly displayed in every single establishment that serves alcohol saying, “WARNING ALCOHOLIC DRINKS DURING PREGNANCY CAUSES BIRTH DEFECTS.” It’s everywhere. As someone with 3 healthy children I find it insulting. I can’t even take my kids out for pancakes without this sign

Exactly this! My husband and I have 3 girls (6, 4 and 15 months). We’re fairly lower middle class and I’m a stay at home mom but we still get bombarded with, “So are your kids in soccer? gymnastics? art classes? day camps?....” We have the older ones in few things during the school year but for us, our free time to

Absolutely. It is unspeakably cruel to the animal and dangerous to the people around.

I saw my daughter’s teacher in the grocery store the other day. My daughter wanted to run over and be like, “OMG how are you what are you doing where are you going!?.....” Obviously I explained boundaries. I can’t freaking imagine being so entitled. I know I sound like an old lady but where are these people’s basic

I had my middle child at home (also BC Canada! Represent! Haha). Before the home birth I actually had so sign a contract saying that I would agree to a hospital transfer and care of a obgyn without any arguments at any point the midwife thought it necessary. I guess they get a few ladies who are irrationally dedicated

Agreed! That guy is seriously being creepy as F.